Online Composition with Georgie Ziff Welcome to English 1A Online Composition with Georgie Ziff
This Summer Class is Short! Just so you know… This is a six week course that has to include as much work as a normal 16 week semester! So each week is packed full with assignments about general writing topics and Discussion Boards with questions responding to readings in the textbook. To pass the class, you MUST participate in all the Discussion Boards and submit ALL the assignments and essays! Read the schedule and manage your time effectively! Schedule link HERE.
Myths About Online Classes MYTH: Online courses are easier than those in a classroom setting. FACT: Students will not have a teacher explaining face-to-face the details of the assignments. All information is available through the student's reading of the details and instructions only, and much more reading is required. MYTH: Since all the course work is set, I can put off doing anything until the last week. FACT: Online success depends on your participation. You have to be "visible". through interactive discussion boards, peer reviews, and timely assignments. Late work receives only partial credit, which will NOT be enough to pass the course! MYTH: Online courses are great because they're so convenient! FACT: Yes, distance learning is convenient, and therefore students must have a great deal of self-discipline to actually do the work, rather than "just" showing up to a class to sit in a chair. MYTH: If students need help the instructor is always available. FACT: Most instructors are juggling multiple classes and responsibilities. Feedback is crucial of course, but students are expected to read all the material in the course and avoid emailing to ask questions whose answers are IN the course. Instructors are NOT online tutors.
Required Course Materials Exploring Language, 14th ed. by Gary Goshgarian - available in the campus bookstore or on Amazon link - be sure to get correct edition! Reliable computer and Internet access - you will be submitting work to Canvas. Good time management skills! A good work ethic – you can’t pass the class if you don’t turn the work in!
This course is comprised of six tasks: 1. Weekly Assignments - due Fridays by 5pm: Read the directions for each assignment. For the writing topics of the week, you will read an article, a Powerpoint, and watch a video. You will then write a THREE paragraph response: Paragraph One: a summary of the information. Paragraph Two: an evaluation and analysis comparing and contrasting how the topic is discussed in the different media formats. How does audience and purpose affect the creation of the video? Notice the fonts and styles used in the PowerPoints. Examine the language of the article. Which media did you find most effective and why? Paragraph Three: your response about which of the media you found most helpful in terms of improving your writing, academic or otherwise.
2. Discussion Board The topics for discussions are in response to writing topics and the readings in the textbook. Post your ideas by Wednesday midnight Respond to TWO of your classmates by Friday 5pm for full credit of 6 points; 2 points per post. The Discussion Board CLOSES on Fridays and late posts receive NO CREDIT. Show respect for your classmates and their ideas. During discussions, many different opinions will be expressed; all are welcome. Use appropriate language during discussion. DO NOT let your personal life intrude on the class.
3. Essay Writing Click on the Essay Guideline Page to read about the essay guidelines. Grading is based on overall writing quality. To better understand what a good essay is, read the Essay Grading Rubric. Read the PowerPoint - Things to Avoid in Writing Essays. Late essays are NOT accepted. NO exceptions. ALL essays must be submitted to pass the class. You will write three essays in the class, two of which are multi-draft. The third essay is timed – you will have 2 hours in which to write the final essay in response to a writing prompt. Try uploading your paper to this FREE online paper checking service: for suggestions on grammar and spelling.
4. Rhetorical Presentation In this course, you’ll write arguments. One way to develop your skill at making arguments is to develop the skill of analyzing the arguments of others. In this assignment, in a small group, you will analyze an argument, trying to understand the elements of its rhetoric. This will be a collaborative effort, creating a presentation for the class - either a PowerPoint or a video uploaded to the Discussion Board by Thursday of the last week of class. Click here for the full description of the Rhetorical Presentation assignment.
Instructor Contact My email is To receive a response, put in the subject line of the email: Merritt Eng 1A and Your Name. Be sure to read the syllabus and orientation materials thoroughly to locate answers to your questions and you may post a question to the Q & A Discussion Board. Emails with appropriate subject lines will receive a response within 48 hours during the work week: Mon - Fri. 9 – 5. Messages received after 5pm or over the weekend will be responded to the next day or on Monday.
Grading in the Course Two Multi-Draft Essays 60% Assignments 15% Rhetorical Presentation 5% Discussion Board 10 % Final Timed Essay 10%
Favorite Quote About Writing… “Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell.” William Strunk Jr. Elements of Style
Your To Do List: Buy Exploring Language, 14th edition, by Gary Goshgarian either at the campus bookstore or through Amazon. Be sure to buy the correct edition! Go to the Canvas class website. Read through the Orientation materials and syllabus. Introduce yourself to your classmates. Download and sign the Learning Agreement. Take the Syllabus Quiz.