Year ( 9 ) Subject Selection – (BIOMES AND FOOD SECURITY)
Course Description In this unit of study, students develop an understanding of the major biomes of the world and the importance of these biomes in the production of food and establishing food security for the people around the world. Students investigate various animals and plants found in biomes, the threats to the sustainable production of food and ways of sustainably managing these biomes in the future. A study is also made of the impact of global warming on food production as well as other issues concerning food security, such as factory farming and genetically modified foods.
Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Class work Completion of text book activities Summary-analysis of audio- visual presentations Study of controversial issues related to farming – e.g. – factory farming Class discussion of topics being studied Research Report Students investigate one of the major biomes of the world – e.g. – rainforests / deserts Poster Presentation Small group task Impact of global warming on farming Global warming - causes/effects/solutions Term Test Test based on information studied in the course
Subject pathway…. Year 10, 11 and 12 Geography
Extra activities/costs?
More information…. Mr Garry McNamara