Country presentation e-Learning Course on Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) for Greater Market Access
I. Group Exercise (1) Schedule of Group Exercise Day 1, Wednesday, 4 November 2015 1 hour after wrap-up session Day 2, Thursday, 5 November 2015 Day 3, Friday, 6 November 2015 2 hour before on-line session in the morning
I. Group Exercise (2) Group exercises are organized in in-country workshop for preparation of country presentation in each participating country. Participants are divided into two teams (entirely public or private sector, or NGO) to discuss suggested topics.
II. Country Presentation Each country is requested to make country presentation with regard to suggested topics in 12 minutes on the last day, Friday 6 November. Afterwards resource persons assess each country presentation.
III. Topics of Country Presentation (1) Country presentation is based on following topics; Discuss trends and changes that have happened in the country over the past seven years, what has changed in terms of the consumer habits, income, retailing, farmers’ activities, and any other traits that impact consumers and farmers.
III. Topics of Country Presentation (2) Examine how these changes have impacted the agrifood production sector, the food distribution in the country, etc., from the perspective of the public sector, or the perspective of the private sector Examine how to take advantage of the change for the maximum benefit to the consumers and producers.
III. Topics of Country Presentation (3) Examine how the adoption of GAP could benefit the consumers and producers. Merge the discussion points / information compiled by two groups (the government point of view, and the private sector point of view) What kind of strategy could best emerge for the country to implement GAP and/or GlobalGAP ?
IV. Upload the Outcome Please write down the outcome and the presentation file of group exercise, upload it onto APOnet, and e-mail to Chief Resource Person. Chief Resource Person: Mr. Chan Seng Kit, Managing Director, K-Farm Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia