Mount Huaynaputina Peru February 19, 1600 Mount Huaynaputina is a currently dormant volcano located in Huanyaputina, Peru. This volcano erupted on February 19, in the year sixteen hundred, causing catastrophic events, even in far away places.
Ash Sulfur Dioxide Sulfuric Acid Rain Please note that most of these pictures are not of the volcano, since it erupted before any form of photography was invented. The eruptions lasted at least two weeks and produced as much as 12 cubic kilometers of ash, all of it going into the atmosphere. People there couldn’t see the sun for months, and agricultural production was destroyed for two years. The ash also contained sulfur dioxide, which condensed into acid rain. More than 16 million metric tons of sulfur was released into the air.
After Before (Speculation) The volcano consisted of 2.5 kilometer wide caldera. When it erupted, it formed three overlapping cinder cones, which is why the volcano looks like simple mountain ridges and formations. Some people refer to it as a “sneaky” volcano as it doesn’t have a distinct topographic elevation. The picture on the bottom left shows another volcano, but could have been what Huaynaputina looked like.
Russian Famine of 1601-1603 2 Million Russian Fatalities The major catastrophe that occurred due to the volcano erupting was the great Russian famine. All the ash that was ejected from the volcano blocked the sun from reaching the land, and the sulfur dioxide became sulfuric acid, which is bad for crops. This is known as a volcanic winter, where the temperature drops due to the ash. France, Japan, and Switzerland were other countries that were affected. This shows the magnitude of the eruption.
These are all pictures of Mount Huaynaputina, except for the bottom left. The bottom left is another volcano, but might have been what the volcano looked like while forming its cinder cones. The other pictures are real photos of the volcano today. As you can see, there is no distinct peak of crater where you can notice the volcano. It is those 3 cinder cones overlapping, formed from the ash of the eruption.
PERU (slower) Mount Huanyaputina is located in Peru, and for those who did not know, Peru is on the west coast of South America. It is located 26 kilometers south of the ubinas volcano, another major volcano. It is located on the Andes mountain range, which is fairly inland. South America
Convergent Subduction Boundary Mount Huaynaputina Convergent Subduction Boundary Mount Huaynaputina is located on a subduction boundary, where the Nazca ocean plate subducts under the South American continental plate. This forms a deep sea trench, and many volcanic chains. The boundary type is a convergent subduction boundary, where the plates are slowly but constantly moving towards eachother and the ocean plate is subducting. The volcano and the Andes mountains were formed because of this collision.
Continental + Ocean Crust The cause of the eruption was because of the mantle convection under the surface of the earth. As the oceanic plate subducts down under the continental plate, it creates a deep ocean trench as well as a volcanic arc. The magma from under the earth rises through the mantle, and builds pressure at the top of the volcano. The high viscosity of the magma causes the eruption to be explosive. Rising Magma Mantle convection
Ring of Fire Oceanic Trench Continental + Ocean Crust These types of volcanoes can occur anywhere where there is an ocean plate subducting under a continental plate. Also, anywhere on the ring of fire is a valid place for a volcano of this type to occur. There are some other places that have such catastrophic volcanoes along the ring of fire. Ring of Fire Oceanic Trench
Subduction Boundary Mount Saint Helens West Coast The places in the US where volcanoes like Huaynaputina can occur are where collision subduction boundaries are. Some of these places occur on the north west areas of the US, Near Washington, Oregon, and under Alaska. Another famous volcano similar to Mount Huaynaputina is Mount Saint Helens, located in Washington. There is also a subduction boundary on the west coast of mexico and central American countries. West Coast
Pictures Mount today: Ash: Old Camera: Caldera: Famine: ROF: Subduct 1: Subduct 2: Magma: South A: World Map: Peru: Mt. Helens: Mt. Helens map: US Boundaries: Source 1: