Welcome to... A Game of Xs and Os
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1 Read the braille: sizes3,7s7',7m7',7l7'
1 sizes: [s] [m] [l] Home
2 Read the braille:,mrs4,p4,g4,hall
2 Mrs. P. G. Hall
3 Read the braille:,,m$ico
3 MEDICO [Medical Insurance Company]
4 Read the braille:,w#b;,n #f;,,ch
4 W2N 6CH
5 Read the braille: #e_/ab_/jh
5 5/12/08
6 Read the braille: #e-ab-jh
, 51208, or Home
7 When a print symbol that is represented in braille by a letter abbreviation immediately follows a number or letter, a letter indicator is inserted ____ the abbreviation.
7 before
8 List symbols not commonly used on the ____ ____ page.
8 Special Symbols
9 The symbols used for inches, feet, and minutes and seconds of time or angular measure (' ") are often referred to as ____ and ____ ____ marks.
9 prime and double prime