Climate Change: Is It The Most Important Issue? By: Claudia Gonzalez, Frida Arroyo, Ebony martinez
Is Global Warming The Most Important Issue? No, Global Warming isn’t the most important issue that should be focused on. Many alarmists may argue that Global Warming is a topic that everyone should be focusing on because if we don’t take action our planet will suffer. As a result, future generations won’t be able to have the luxury to live in a beautiful planet without worrying about the planet's well-being. However, my group believes the science behind Global Warming has not been settled. There is a lot of issues concerning Global Warming that still need to be settled, and there a lot of other environmental issues that deserve more attention.
What is global warming? The basic definition of Global Warming is that there is a gradual increase in the overall temperature in Earth’s atmosphere. Global warming is caused by a phenom known as the greenhouse effect.
The Earth has always been warming: Many believe that the earth is, at the moment, the warmest that it has ever been due to Carbon in the atmosphere. However, this is untrue based on the reality that the earth has had warming periods like this in the past. The most known warming period took place in the medieval times, from 950 to 1300 AD The earth warming is just another natural process, it's not the result of human activities
Medieval Warming Period facts Hubert Horace lamb,a british climatologist, examined historical records of harvests and precipitation. He found out that during the medieval warm period it wa warmer 1-2 degrees celsius (1.8-3.6 degrees fahrenheit) warmer than early 20th-century conditions in Europe. Some historians and paleoclimates state that the pleasant conditions of the medieval warm period allowed settlement in Iceland and Greenland to prosper with life and vegetation.
Global Warming’s effects on the environment Polar Bears are said to decrease due to the ice melting in the Arctic. In fact, the Polar Bear population are actually increasing in numbers. The only reason Polar Bears are decreasing in numbers are due to hunters killing them. Each year, at least 600 Polar Bears are shot by hunters as a source of food.
Coral Reef bleaching isn’t ONLY due to Global Warming Reef systems and marine life are not harmed by additional Carbon Dioxide. Coral bleaching is a natural phenomenon caused by events such as El Nino and La Nina. Coral Reefs turn white especially during seasonal cold-air outbreaks when temperatures range from -3 degrees C to -5 degrees C.
Ice/ sea levels over time Sea ice levels were predicted by scientists to have completely disappeared by september 2016. However, now it seems that the sea’s ice levels are refreezing at a record fast pace, especially when winter comes. This shows that Global warming isn’t effecting the sea ice levels like the media says it does. The Arctic loses only a little bit of ice seasonally, but then is able to regain its ice as the winter approaches again.
The graphs presented are faked In reality the hockey stick graph is actually an unreliable source to determine how the earth has been warming in past years. The tree rings only tell of temperatures from spring and summer, but not the whole year. This obviously shows how it tells very little about annual climate. Another thing is that the trees only grow during day time when it can actually have photosynthesis occur So Alarmists using this graph to represent temperature change over the years is really useless.
Unreliable Resources More and more scientists have resigned from the IPCC on the excuse that IPCC is using fake evidence to do something immoral. In fact, Laframboise and a team of volunteers have shown that thirty percent of the source material for the IPCC reports is not peer-reviewed. James Hansen, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies from 1981 to 2013, kept pumping ot papers to help get more views even when his predictions were incorrect.