Archaic Architecture 600-480 BCE
Extent of Period 600: 480: Begins with efforts to produce monuments Athens, Corinth 480: Ends with the Persian wars and changes In Architecture In Sculpture In Vase Painting
Archaic Art Monumental Architecture Architectural Sculpture Freestanding Sculpture in Marble Sculpture in Bronze Ceramics
Architecture The orders: Doric: Ionic: used on the Greek mainland used in the East and on the islands
Doric columns Columns: without bases Flutes: joined by a sharp ridge or arris
Doric Capital Capital: Abacus: flat slab Echinus: cushion
Doric Column from the Athenian Agora
Doric Order Entablature: above the capital Architrave Frieze Cornice Taenia: narrow projecting band Regulae: small rectangular shelves Guttae: pegs fixed to the undersides Frieze Triglyphs: 3 bars Metopes: often decorated Cornice Sides of building: horizontal cap Ends of building: angled framing of gables Pediments: end gables, often decorated
Typical Doric Temple Plan
Temple of Apollo, Corinth, ca. 560
Temple of Hera I at Paestum or Poseidonia, ca. 550. “Basilica” Copyright: James D'Emilio
Temple Types
Temple of Artemis on Corcyra, or Corfu, ca. 580 Elevation
Temple of Artemis, Corcyra