Artistic Mediums الفن المتوسطة What are they?
Two-dimensional Art
Two-dimensional Art Two-dimensional art can be done in a number of ways. Paint (watercolor, oil, tempera, acrylic etc.) Pastel (oil, chalk) Collage Pencil, ink Digital Art
Paint There are many types of paint.
Watercolor (ألوان مائية) Oil (الطلاء النفط) Acrylic (طلاء الاكريليك)
Collage ملصقة Collage = art that uses pieces of material to form a larger image or whole.
Pencil Ink قلم رصاص حبر
Photography تصوير
Digital Art الفن الرقمي CGI Anime/Cartoons (الرسوم/أنيمي )
Other Mediums There are other Mediums considered art forms: Industrial Design Architecture Fashion Design
Industrial Design
Fashion Design