Roman Achievement Chapter 6 section 3
“Greece has conquered her rude conqueror” The Greek culture was widely adopted by the Romans (cultural diffusion)
Greco-Roman Culture Assimilation of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman cultures
Pax Romana (peaceful Rome) Roads and seas are protected by the legions Leads to massive cultural diffusion
Poetry Roman poets attempt to arouse patriotism and help unite Rome Use satire to attack corrupt leaders and social ills .
Philosophy Hellenistic philosophy of Stoicism Importance of Duty Acceptance of Fate Concern for others
Roman Art & Architecture Based on Greek and Etruscan models
Sculpture Stressed realism Revealed an individual’s character
Mosaics Pictures made with colored chips of stone or glass.
Greco-Roman Art and Architecture Will go on to influence artists in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Architecture Emphasized grandeur The column, arch, and dome
Pantheon Temple to all Roman gods
Roman Engineering Built roads, bridges, harbors…
Aqueducts Brought water from the hills into the city
Public Baths Local hangout
Rome’s Greatest Legacy The rule of Law Civil law
Five Basic Principles 1. People are equal under the law 2. Guilt must be clearly established 5. A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty Five Basic Principles 3. Decisions must be based on fairness 4. The accused can face accusers and defend against the charge