5.2 - Terrestrial Food Production Systems and Food Choices - TASK 2 by...
BEFORE YOU START... Save this document to your desktop with the name “5.2 – yourname” Upload it to the folder Ms. McCrindle shared with you Complete your progress in this uploaded folder, NOT the one you saved to yourselves. Ms. McCrindle needs access to monitor progress / assess the work.
TASK 2 Instructions You are required to work through each of the slides, and give as much detail as possible. The best way to learn throughout this task will be: Use pictures. Use your own words! (research, but read and then rewrite) A sample assignment may or may not be posted on www.msmccrindle.weebly.com to help guide you. Do not copy off the posted completed assignment. You should aim to finish Task 1 by Friday, Feb 16th.
TYPES OF FARMING SYSTEM Define the following terms regarding types of farming: SUBSISTENCE CASH CROPPING COMMERCIAL (extensive & intensive) PASTORAL ARABLE MIXED
SUSTAINABILITY Explain whether subsistence or commercial farming is more sustainable (using at least 5 factors as reasons).
MALNUTRITION EXPLAIN the difference between LACKING, EXCESSIVE and UNBALANCED malnutrition. Provide statistics on the world regarding malnutrition and the different types (how many, where and why).
FOOD CHOICES EXPLAIN the 4 factors which affect a society’s food choices: Climate Culture and religion Politics Socio-economic
FOOD CHOICE REFLECTION Consider the food you eat on an average day. EXPLAIN which of the 4 factors affect your diet.
RESEARCH Find out how many calories an average person needs per day. Find out how much food is produced around the world, in calories per day. State whether there is enough food being produced to feed everyone in the world.
TIP for previous slide! (There is enough food to feed everyone! If you find that there was not, do some further research.)
POLITICS OF FOOD SUPPLY Summarise the information on pages 250 - 252 on the politics of food supply. EXPLAIN your opinion regarding world food supply. How can we feed everyone? Should we try to?
HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE Define the following terms: Domesticated animal Livestock Arable farming Harvesting Crop rotation
HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE Explain why humans started domesticating animals before they grew crops.
CASE STUDY - Palm Oil Add this information to your CASE STUDIES folder. What is palm oil (how is it produced)? In what products is palm oil used? State which products you use have palm oil in them. Where is it produced and why is this so controversial? Why is palm oil such a popular crop? Describe the effects of the high demand for palm oil on Indonesian and Malaysian biodiversity.
CASE STUDY 2 Choose 2 from the above table, and make notes on their similarities and differences using the named example as the focus.
FARMING ENERGY BUDGET Explain the difference between: Energy contained within the crop per unit area. Energy efficiency of a farming system.
Explain the data shown in this table, with focus on the ratio of inputs:outputs.
CASE STUDY 3 You are required to be able to compare and contrast two differing food production systems regarding their inputs and outputs. Make notes here on either: Rice production in Borneo vs California. Intensive beef production in South America vs Extensive beef production by the Masai. Norwegian salmon farming vs Thai Rice-fish farming (this one is the most interesting)
TERRESTRIAL vs AQUATIC FOOD SYSTEMS Compare the energy efficiency of terrestrial and aquatic food production systems regarding: Trophic levels of food chosen Energy transfer between trophic levels Amount of sunlight absorbed/wasted
FACTORS LEADING TO DECREASE IN AGRICULTURAL LAND State 4 factors which lead to a loss in agricultural land.
INCREASING SUSTAINABILITY OUTLINE the following methods to increase sustainability of food production: Maximising yield Reducing food waste Monitoring and end control Changing attitudes of food and diet Reduce food processing, packaging and transport.
Each of these is a prediction by the FAO about the year 2030. Put them in order of importance from highest to lowest, and explain your opinion.
GM Crops Define genetically modified crops Outline the advantages and disadvantages of GM crops