A short introduction for teachers of RE in Secondary schools TEACH: RE is part of the Culham St Gabriel’s suite of web based resources and information. Culham St Gabriel’s is an endowed charitable trust dedicated to educational work in support of religious education (RE). It is committed to excellence in religious education for all learners. RE:ONLINE is one of Culham St Gabriel’s other initiatives. A short introduction for teachers of RE in Secondary schools
100% participants felt they had enhanced their subject knowledge 45% participants said their confidence in teaching RE had increased 39% participants said they valued engaging in the research and investigation aspects of the course In 2017 we did a comprehensive evaluation of the TeachRE Courses and this slide shows some of our findings. We hope you enjoy learning more about what our courses can offer the secondary teacher of RE. 100% felt they had enhanced their subject knowledge, with over 80% saying it had been enhanced a lot. 45% participants said their confidence had grown in teaching RE. Many felt more confident in locating appropriate resources to use, how to teach RE (pedagogies), and also understanding the purpose of the subject better. Some felt they could now work towards applying for an MA or going for the RE Quality Mark award. 39% participants said they valued engaging with the research and investigation aspects of the course. Teachers valued investigating religious topics in depth and particularly exploring the diversity within and between religions and worldviews. Many felt more prepared for teaching GCSE or A level.
This slide shows the home page for the Teach RE website. www. teachre This slide shows the home page for the Teach RE website. www.teachre.co.uk This is a ‘one stop shop’ for anyone who wants to teach RE, is already teaching RE or who has to teach RE! You can find out about the Teach RE Course options by going to ‘Teach RE Courses’ page. You can also find quick links to essential information and ideas to help you if you find you have to teach RE or are new to teaching it. First lets find out about the TeachRE Courses. www.teachre.co.uk
Course Options We offer three different courses for teachers in secondary schools: Teach RE Complete – for serving teachers (with QTS) working in all phases Teach RE Subject Knowledge - aimed primarily at those about to start Secondary ITT, but also open to those who want to focus purely on subject knowledge. Teach RE Module Only – for those who want to develop subject knowledge to teach GCSE and A level. There are four Teach RE Courses. Three of these are designed specifically for those working in the secondary phase. TeachRE Complete- this is great for the RE subject leader or experienced teacher who wants to develop their expertise and subject knowledge, applying it to their practice. It is our most popular course. TeachRE Subject Knowledge- this is great for those who want to focus purely on subject knowledge without being concerned about applying it to teaching and learning. TeachRE Module only- if you want to focus on a specific piece of subject knowledge e.g. a particular concept in Judaism, or diversity in Islam…. this course is very focused and enables you to do just one module.
What is the TEACH:RE Complete course? Distance Learning, but with possibilities for local collaboration Start at any time One-to-One support from a tutor This first part of the presentation focuses on the TEACH:RE Complete course. The course is distance learning. This means you do not need to attend any sessions at a specific location. It is all done via email. However, we have also had groups of teachers do the course together and then meet up to discuss their work together. You could look at signing up as a NATRE local group and then meet to share your work on the course with one another. The course can be started at any time. You can complete the course over one month, 3 months or a year. We recommend for secondary serving teachers that you do the course over 3 months or preferably a year. The course director, Kathryn, overseas module one, and then you have a tutor assigned to you for the other two modules.
Module One This must be completed by all participants. This consists of three activities: a creative task on why the teaching of RE matters. You can create a leaflet or write a short article. a research skills task which explores where to find appropriate information and resources for teaching a task exploring pedagogy in RE. There are three modules that make up the complete course. The first module focuses on: a task about the importance and value of RE i.e why the teaching of RE matters. You can create a leaflet or write a short article. The aim is to help you work through your own rationale for the subject. Some participants create a leaflet for Year 8/9 pupils who are choosing options. a research skills task which explores where to find appropriate information and resources for teaching. This uses REONLINE and other, mainly web based, resources. a task exploring pedagogy in RE. This helps you to consider what goes on in the RE classroom, including examples of effective practice. There are examples of participant work on our website which you can share with colleagues: http://www.teachre.co.uk/have-to-teach-re/teach-re-course/ - examples of module one work
Choose two modules Modules 2 and 3 are essay based and allow you to focus deeply on one or two aspects of religion and belief Module 4 involves creating a presentation for your peers e.g. for other teachers in your local NATRE group Module 5 involves creating a scheme of learning. This is great if you want to apply you knowledge in a practical way. Module 6 involves creating a resource to use with pupils, and evaluating it. This is another great way to apply your knowledge in the classroom Module 7 involves some fieldwork to help develop your subject knowledge and expertise Module 8 is about about transforming your curriculum design You can see here the range of modules available. Some are purely about subject knowledge development, some are a mixture of knowledge and application, and others are more about being a subject leader in you school. You will be able to discuss with your tutor the best options for you. There is specific guidance and information for each module. Examples of Module 5 work:http://www.teachre.co.uk/already-teaching-re/teach-re-course/ - for examples of schemes of learning You can download the handbook for the Complete Course here: http://www.teachre.co.uk/teach-re-course/course-options/
I’m interested…how much time will I need to commit? There are three routes through the course: Standard (one term per module) Fast Track (one month per module) Super Fast Track (one week per module) Each Module takes between 15-20 hours to complete. The course is flexible, we just ask trainees to commit to a realistic timescale, that works for them. Most secondary teachers do the course over one year. For some modules this is important as you are required to evaluate a scheme of learning or resource, or visit a place of worship. Doing the course over a year allows you to get the most out of it.
What is the TEACH:RE Subject Knowledge course? The same as the Complete course except: Modules One AND Two are compulsory You choose either Module 3 or 4 as the final module We will now briefly look at the Subject Knowledge Course. This is great for those who are doing school direct ITT in your school and for NQTs who want to boost their subject knowledge specifically. As with the Complete course this can be started at any time, and done over 1 month, 3 months or a year.
What is the TEACH:RE Module Only course? This is only for secondary teachers with QTS It is primarily about developing subject knowledge in one area. You choose one module from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. We will now briefly look at the Module Only course. This is great for those who want to develop a specific aspect of subject knowledge e.g. for teaching GCSE or A level. The support of a tutor helps to ensure that you have understood a particular aspect of religion or belief in sufficient depth in order to be able to teach it effectively. There is an option to do a second module if teachers want to develop a second aspect of their subject knowledge.
A certificate is sent in the post when you have completed the course. This is at a pass, merit or distinction standard. Assessment criteria are included in the trainee handbook so you clearly see the expectations before you begin. Everyone who completes the course receives a certificate at pass, merit or distinction.
What do previous participants say about our course? Builds confidence Helps with creating a new curriculum Supports Teacher Standards Helps you develop a rationale for teaching RE Supports working towards RE Quality Mark Helps you link with the wider RE Community Why do the TeachRE course? These are comments made by previous participants. We have found that non-specialist teachers in secondary schools have benefited greatly from completing the course. There are various case studies available on our website: http://www.teachre.co.uk/teach-re-course/what-the-trainees-say/ Develops subject knowledge Increases passion for the subject Is good preparation for beginning an MA Increases understanding of diversity of belief Helps you understand how to teach RE effectively Increases awareness of resources available to teach RE
Information about payment is also available on the website. How do I apply? On the home page, ‘click’ on Teach RE and a drop down menu will appear. You can click on the tabs for more information, or go straight to the ‘apply’ tab and complete the online form. Information about payment is also available on the website. You can sign up at any time using the ‘apply’ button on the website. The Complete course and Subject Knowledge Course currently costs £150 per person. The Module Only option is £70 per module.
DISCOUNTS!!!! Why not sign up to do the course with a colleague or group of teachers? Why not sign up as a NATRE group and meet to discuss your tasks together? Why not sign up all those on ITT/NQTs in your Federation or Academy Trust? There are significant discounts for schools/organisations that ‘bulk buy’ the course. You can bulk buy five or more places on the complete course for £125 per person See: http://www.teachre.co.uk/itt-providers/
Lastly, the TeachRE website has other useful information for you as a teacher of RE, and also for your role within the wider education community. The ‘want to teach RE?’ section can be shared with those who might be considering going into teaching. The ‘already teaching RE?’ and ‘Have to teach RE?’ sections point you in the direction of further CPD opportunities. Our articles focus on the importance of RE as a subject. We also use really excellent participant work and share it here. We love Francesca’s article on why RE must be in the timetable:http://www.teachre.co.uk/francesca-explains-why-re-must-be-on-the-school-timetable/
Further opportunities with Culham St Gabriel’s Considering a Masters with an RE pathway? Have you considered the 3forRE programme offered through Culham St Gabriel’s? http://www.cstg.org.uk/ how-we-help/3forre/ 3forRE is a unique scheme based on a three-way partnership between you, your school and Culham St Gabriel’s Trust. This scheme offers you an opportunity to take Masters-level professional development at a fraction of the normal cost. What’s the offer? Culham St Gabriel’s will pay up to £1500 per year of your fees (that is usually about 60%) for up to two years for a Masters Programme that is part of the 3forRE Scheme. Do I have to be a qualified specialist RE teacher? No. You need to be teaching RE in a primary, secondary or special school in the UK, and you need to be a qualified, serving teacher, Teaching Assistant or HLTA. How could this benefit me? We want to help anyone who is teaching RE to do it better. Masters level courses that are relevant to classroom RE can provide stimulating, informed and critical interventions to help you raise standards. They can boost subject knowledge, have a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning, on the challenge for pupils and on their progress and understanding. They provide you with critical scholarly wisdom and practical help. They put you in touch with other practitioners of RE and prepare you for leadership roles. Am I eligible for 3forRE? You will be eligible for the 3forRE Scheme if you – are employed as a qualified teacher, teaching assistant or HLTA in a school in the UK; – are intending to take a Masters-level Certificate, Diploma or full MA programme, that relates directly to the teaching of RE in your classroom and school, in one of the universities that are members of the 3forRE Scheme; – intend your accredited study to directly lead to development, innovation and improvement in RE teaching in your school or consortium; – are supported by your employing school paying at least 10% of the fees.
I’d like more information… To discuss anything in this presentation further please contact Kathryn Wright at kathryn@cstg.org.uk Visit our website at www.teachre.co.uk or our sister websites www.reonlin.org.uk and www.cstg.org.uk