Next theories Keep the empirical rigor of behaviorism and add. . . . Cognition, thought, motivation, etc. Social learning In Skinner box animals are alone We learn by watching others! Treat humans as active in selecting their environment In Skinner box a rat is placed in there We select our environments and they will change because we are in them You at a party!
Theories Dollard and Miller’s Social Learning Theory Rotter’s Social Learning Theory Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
Dollard & Miller
Dollard and Miller Combines behaviorism and Freudian theory!
Habit Hierarchy All the behaviors a person might do From most likely to least likely
Habit Hierarchy Talk to Ponch Get a drink Talk to a woman Comb hair In a bar Comb hair But, this can change based on reinforcement or punishment Flex muscles
In order to learn -- John (an organism) must 1) Want something (a woman) 2) Notice something (perceive the woman) 3) Do something (talk to the woman) 4) Get something (a smile)
Note This is already different than behaviorism Dollard and Miller Motivation (want something) Perception (notice something)
Note This is already different than behaviorism Behaviorism Learning changes behavior Dollard and Miller Learning changes the HH HH is a non-observable psychological entity
What do you want? Drives A psychological tension that feels good when it is reduced. Need Drive
Drives Primary Drives Biologically built-in drives Secondary Drives Food, water, sex, avoid pain, etc. Secondary Drives Psychologically based Love, prestige, money, power, etc. Learned by being paired with primary drives
Imagine John asks the Charlie's Angels out on a date John gets rejected! Is upset so he goes riding with Ponch Arrests a person for no reason at all!
Why? Freud Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis Natural reaction for any person (or animal) to being blocked from a goal, will be the urge to lash out or injure. The more important the goal, the greater will be the aggressive impulse
Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis Different than Freud No ID is needed (or ego) Same as Freud Displacement e.g., riots Sublimation (can be constructive)
What is fun? The story about me in the book
Approach-Avoidance Conflict Conflict between desire and fear Changes over time
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 1) An increase in drive strength will increase the tendency to approach or avoid a goal VS. If John wants to relieve a drive more than Ponch, John will also want the goal more!
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 2) Whenever there are two competing responses, the stronger one (the one with the greater drive) will win out. Drive: Companionship Drive: Avoid rejection
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 3) The tendency to approach a positive goal increases the closer the one is to the goal John sees the Angels across the room John talks to them John asks them back to his place
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 3) The tendency to approach a positive goal increases the closer the one is to the goal
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 4) The tendency to avoid a negative goal also increases the closer one is to the goal John sees the Angels across the room John talks to them John asks them back to his place
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 5) Tendency 4 is stronger than tendency 3. Avoidance Approach
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 5) Tendency 4 is stronger than tendency 3. Avoidance Approach
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 5) Tendency 4 is stronger than tendency 3. Avoidance Approach
Approach-Avoidance Conflict 5) Tendency 4 is stronger than tendency 3. Avoidance Approach
Group Activity Have you ever had something in the future that you were both looking forward to and dreading? Did your feelings about it change over time in the way Dollard and Miller describe?
Defense Mechanisms Freud’s explanation Dollard and Miller Negative Reinforcement A reward that consists of the withdrawal of aversive stimuli
Defense Mechanisms Negative Reinforcement Any stopping of pain or anxiety is negatively reinforcing The behavior that occurred before such cessation will become more likely Put your hand in the fire!
Defense Mechanisms Dollard and Miller DM are cognitive behaviors that are negatively reinforced because they remove anxiety
Defense Mechanism Denial Repression Reaction Formation Projection Rationalization Intellectualization
Defense Mechanisms Freud vs. Dollard and Miller Freud was right . . . . Perhaps too complicated Principle of Parsimony
Rotter’s Social Learning Theory
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Rotter Behaviorism would predict you would go for the biggest reward However, your beliefs (i.e., expectancies) are also important! Expectancy Value Theory
Elements Behavior Potential (BP) The probability that you will perform the behavior in question Higher the BP, more likely you will do it!
Elements Expectancy (E) A persons belief about how likely a behavior will bring about a goal
Expectancy If you think so: If you do not think so: If you ask a person out will they say yes? If you think so: “Asking out” has high expectancy If you do not think so: “Asking out” has low expectancy
Expectancy It is a belief Objective odds matter less then subjective odds Lottery!