Hamilton & Jefferson Federalist & Democratic-Republican Loose & Strict Views of Constitution
Washington’s Presidential Precedence Shaped executive branch to help him make policies and carry out laws. Three executive departments, also called the president’s Cabinet: Department of State-to deal with foreign affairs; led by Thomas Jefferson Department of War-to handle military matters; led by Henry Knox Department of Treasury-to manage finances; Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton Hamilton came to US from Caribbean; became Washington’s personal assistant. He married into a rich family in NY With their political backing, he was elected to Congress from NY Delegate to Constitutional Convention
Hamilton’s Accomplishments Writer of the Federalist Papers to get the Constitution ratified Secretary of Treasurer under Geo Washington Founder of the national bank
Hamilton Federalist View of Human Nature: Best Form of Government: People put their own interests and personal profits first Best Form of Government: Country best ruled by “best people” – educated, wealthy, public-spirited men Ideal Economy: Promote business, manufacturing, & trade All people should pay something to society
Thomas Jefferson Born in Virginia to a wealthy & respected family Land inherited from father Planter Political life – not a good speaker, but great writer Wrote the Declaration of Independence
Jefferson View of Human Nature: Best Form of Government: Democratic-Republican View of Human Nature: Informed citizens could make good decisions for themselves and their country Best Form of Government: A government that governed the least with limited powers to leave the people alone to enjoy liberty Ideal Economy: Agricultural society and opposed the growth of business and agriculture
Jefferson’s Accomplishments Negotiated the Peace Treaty of Paris to end Revolutionary War Wrote Declaration of Independence Secretary of State under Washington Third president of the United States Founder of the University of Virginia
Hamilton’s Economic Plan Manage debts: National government takes on state debts—would give creditors incentive to support the new federal government. Southern states already paid off most debt, didn’t want to pay North’s debts National Bank: Would issue paper money, handle tax receipts, government funds Unhealthy alliance between government and wealthy business interests; Constitution didn’t mention a national bank; power to authorize it?
Federalist v. Democratic-Republicans Leader: Alexander Hamilton Favored: Rule by the wealthy class Strong federal (National) government Emphasis on manufacturing Loose interpretation of the Constitution Leader: Thomas Jefferson Favored: Rule by the People Strong state governments Emphasis on agriculture Strict interpretation of the Constitution
What is your View of Human Nature? Personal Views What do you think? Put in your notebook What is your View of Human Nature? What is the best Form of Government? Who should rule? What is the ideal economy?