Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Other Key Individuals Edward Jenner


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Presentation transcript:

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Other Key Individuals Edward Jenner The Government The Government Ali Maryam Shamsa Zain Shamaila M.Ahmed Sadaqat Abdullahi M. Nafees Hassam Kaukab Farhan Ismail Nailah Sanya Falik Nazish Siraj Sharjeel Madihah Kodos M. Hussain Qassim Conner Isaaq

Question 7 – Medicine paper Monday, 12 November 2018 Question 7 – Medicine paper How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) THE BIG QUESTION Always make sure that you underline the key parts of the question. This will help you make sure that you are focusing on the question.

Lesson Objectives All must describe the work done by individuals and the government to preventing disease in Britain.(Grade E/D) Most should be able to explain how certain individuals and the government helped to prevent the spread of disease. (Grade C/B) Some could evaluate the link between certain factors and the prevention of disease. (Grade A/A*)

The Role of individuals. (16 marks) BIG QUESTION FOR TODAY B) How important was the role of Edward Jenner in the prevention of disease in Britain? Explain your answer. The Role of government The Role of individuals. (16 marks) How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16 marks) A) How effective was the small pox vaccination in 1797 in the prevention of disease in Britain? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16 marks) C) How far was progress made in disease prevention by the small pox vaccination? Explain your answer. The role of government. The role of individuals (16 marks) Which question is similar to the question we are going to examine today? Use your mini whiteboards Match your BIG question with the one it is most similar too.

The Role of individuals. (16 marks) How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16 marks) B) How important was the role of Edward Jenner in the prevention of disease in Britain? Explain your answer. The Role of government The Role of individuals. (16 marks) A) How effective was the small pox vaccination in 1797 in the prevention of disease in Britain? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16 marks) C) How far was progress made in disease prevention by the small pox vaccination? Explain your answer. The role of government. The role of individuals (16 marks) Which question is similar to the question we are going to examine today?

Lets break down the question. This means that we need to measure the extent that the factors contributed to the theme. The theme that you are going to examine. Instructions stating what you need to do. How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) The factor you are comparing the rest with. Lets break down the question. By now you should have underlined all of the key parts of the question. The factors that you are going to use.

THE BIG QUESTION How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) Which other key individuals from the 18th Century contributed to preventing diseases? Snow Get pictures of snow, bins, germs Pasteur Chadwick

Sort the information from the yellow envelops into three categories Other Key Individuals. Edward Jenner. The Role of the Government.

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Other Key Individuals Edward Jenner The Government The Government Ali Maryam Shamsa Zain Shamaila M.Ahmed Sadaqat Abdullahi M. Nafees Hassam Kaukab Farhan Ismail Nailah Sanya Falik Nazish Siraj Sharjeel Madihah Kodos M. Hussain Qassim Conner Isaaq

published a report based on the poor living conditions in towns. On a mini white board use the factor you were assigned to answer the question as a group. Use the following as a guide. Grades E/D The answer describes the role of Chadwick more than it explains. Chadwick published a report based on the poor living conditions in towns. Grades C/B The answer explains and develops each point with good use of P.E.E.L Grades A/A* The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Chadwick’s report resulted in the passing of the First Public Health Act which in theory improve the public health conditions in some towns by providing them with ..... This helped to prevent disease by..... Chadwick did not actually discover any vaccinations to prevent diseases, however the work which he conducted (provide evidence) help to prevent the spread of diseases in the form of the 1848 Public Health Act.

The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) Grades A/A* The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades E/D The answer describes the role of Chadwick more than it explains. Grades C/B The answer explains and develops each point with good use of P.E.E.L Chadwick did not actually discover any vaccinations to prevent diseases, however the work which he conducted (provide evidence) help to prevent the spread of diseases in the form of the 1848 Public Health Act. Chadwick published a report based on the poor living conditions in towns. Chadwick Chadwick’s report resulted in the passing of the First Public Health Act which in theory improve the public health conditions in some towns by providing them with ..... this helped to prevent disease by.....

What should our plan look like? THE BIG QUESTION How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) What should our plan look like? Get pictures of snow, bins, germs

PLAN Introduction- During the 18th Century many discoveries were made which contributed to the prevention of diseases. These discoveries/ contributions will be examined in order to determine how important Jenner’s small pox vaccination was in preventing disease. 2) Write about how EDWARD JENNER’S discovery of the small pox vaccination helped to prevent the spread of disease. 3) Write about OTHER FACTORS (e.g.the role of the government/Chadwick etc) which were important in preventing the spread of disease in Britain. 4) Conclusion – Having examined the contributions/ discoveries to prevent disease in Britain. I think that the small pox vaccination was( quite/very important) in preventing the spread of diseases in Britain because …………..

Complete either the 1st or 2nd paragraph and your conclusion. Now over to you. Complete either the 1st or 2nd paragraph and your conclusion.

Grades E/D The answer describes the role of Jenner/ the role of Government and other key individuals, more than it explains. Grades A/A* The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades C/B The answer explains and develops each point with good use of P.E.E.L

The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades E/D The answer describes the role of Jenner/ the role of Government and other key individuals, more than it explains. How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) Grades A/A* The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades C/B The answer explains and develops each point with good use of P.E.E.L Chadwick

Mark scheme Level 1 (1-4 marks) Simple statement = Grades G. Answer offers generalised comment about the work of Edward Jenner. Level 2 (5-8 marks) Developed statement = Grades E/D. Answer DESCRIBES Edward Jenner’s discovery and the governments role in the development of the small pox vaccination. Level 3 (9-12 marks) Analysis = Grade C/B Answer EXPLAINS the IMPACT of Edward Jenner’s work, the role of the government and other factors leading to the prevention of diseases. Level 4 (13-16 marks) Sustained analysis = Grade A/A* Answer evaluates the role of Edward Jenner/the role of the government and other factors to determine their impact in the prevented of disease. NO ACCESS TO LEVEL 4 FOR ANSWERS WHICH DO NOT EXPLORE ASPECTS BEYOND THOSE PROMOTED BY THE STIMULUS MATERIAL.


He removed the handle from the water pump and the outbreak died down. He was wrong about the cause of disease but was right about the actions Believed in the miasma theory so advocated cleaner streets and clean water supply as the way to improve health. He was a civil servant. He wrote a ‘Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring population’ in 1842. He pushed the government to pass the 1848 Public Health Act after a cholera epidemic. He said that the poor lived in terrible conditions which made them ill, and the rich should pay higher taxes to help the poor. A doctor and surgeon. In 1854, during a cholera epidemic, he mapped the deaths near his surgery and traced the outbreak back to one pump . He removed the handle from the water pump and the outbreak died down. Chadwick and Snow He could not prove why removing the water pump worked. ( Due to the fact that the germ theory was not proved yet.) In 1849 he theorised that cholera was spread by water, not air.

Showed that the link between cowpox and smallpox was unique. Vaccinations were not always successful thanks to careless doctors using infected needles and mixing up their cowpox and small pox samples. Showed that the link between cowpox and smallpox was unique. Gained international recognition for saving many lives. 1802 Jennerian Society set up to promote vaccination He wasn’t able to explain how his vaccination worked. This made people suspicious. Vaccination was an improvement over the practice of inoculation. Doctors who had been making lots of money from inoculations were not keen to provide free vaccinations on government grants. The link between cowpox and smallpox was unique, so it didn’t lead to other vaccinations. Jenner Discovery was a ‘dead-end’ because other vaccinations could not be developed.

In the extreme heat it smells worse than ever. The River Thames usually smells quiet bad because all the city’s sewage, industrial waste and rubbish is dumped there. In the extreme heat it smells worse than ever. Parliament meets right next to the river and MPs demand they move somewhere else. The Great Stink helped to trigger the building of sewers. In 1853 vaccination were made compulsory. Jenner received cash from parliament to pay for vaccination against smallpox , it was made free for infants in 1804. The Great Stink 1858 In the 1880s, Pasteur discovered how vaccination worked and developed vaccines, firstly against animal disease – chicken cholera, anthrax – and then human disease, rabies.

The National Board of Health and Local Health Boards could: The National Board of Health which had the power to set up Local Health Boards was set up. The National Board of Health and Local Health Boards could: Raise local taxes to make public health improvements Set standards for new housing such as having drains and toilets. Appoint medical inspectors. Some towns acted immediately and made big improvements , while others took no notice and said that it was too expensive. Local sanitary inspectors were appointed to look after slaughterhouses and prevent contaminated food being sold. Local authorities had to appoint Medical Officers in charge of public health. This brought together a range of Acts covering sewerage and drains, water supply, housing and disease. 1848 and 1875 Public Health Act Local authorities were ordered to cover sewers, keep them in good condition, supply fresh water to their citizens, collect rubbish and provide street lighting.

Grades E/D The answer describes the role of Jenner/ the role of Government and other key individuals, more than it explains. Grades A/A* The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades C/B The answer explains and develops each point with good use of P.E.E.L

The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades E/D The answer describes the role of Jenner/ the role of Government and other key individuals, more than it explains. How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) Grades A/A* The answer uses well selected knowledge to evaluate the factors Grades C/B The answer explains and develops each point with good use of P.E.E.L Chadwick

Mark scheme Level 1 (1-4 marks) Simple statement = Grades G. Answer offers generalised comment about the work of Edward Jenner. Level 2 (5-8 marks) Developed statement = Grades E/D. Answer DESCRIBES Edward Jenner’s discovery and the governments role in the development of the small pox vaccination. Level 3 (9-12 marks) Analysis = Grade C/B Answer EXPLAINS the IMPACT of Edward Jenner’s work, the role of the government and other factors leading to the prevention of diseases. Level 4 (13-16 marks) Sustained analysis = Grade A/A* Answer evaluates the role of Edward Jenner/the role of the government and other factors to determine their impact in the prevented of disease. NO ACCESS TO LEVEL 4 FOR ANSWERS WHICH DO NOT EXPLORE ASPECTS BEYOND THOSE PROMOTED BY THE STIMULUS MATERIAL.

PLAN Introduction 2) Write about how EDWARD JENNER’S discovery of a small pox vacination helped to prevented the spread of disease. 3) Write about OTHER FACTORS (e.g.the role of the government/Chadwick etc) which were important in preventing the spread of disease in Britain. 4) Conclusion – Having examined the work/ discoveries to prevent disease in Britain. I think that the small pox vaccination was( quite/very important) in preventing the spread of diseases in Britain because …………..

BREAK DOWN THE QUESTION. (UNDERLINE KEY POINTS) Information sort activity. Answer the BIG QUESTION BIG QUESTION How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1797? Explain your answer. Edward Jenner The role of government. (16) How do you plan to answer the question?