Are we ready to move to the Design Phase? Feasibility Phase Checklist
TRANSITION REQUIREMENTS What conditions must be satisfied to move forward to the Design Phase? Complete? Transition Requirement Description Complete 1. The Water Fund is deemed to be a feasible mechanism The Water Fund has been deemed 'feasible' based on the findings of the Water Fund Feasibility Decision Support Document. 2. Resources have been committed to design the Water Fund Relevant decision-makers have deemed sufficient commitments and resources exist to support the Water Fund's design and agrees that other conditions (if any) that must be addressed before moving ahead have been satisfied. 3. Formal ‘Go Decision’ has been made to move beyond Feasibility Relevant decision-makers have formally documented their decision for the Water Fund to move forward to the Design Phase.
FEASIBILITY PHASE: CHECKLIST Governance Inventory of relevant government agencies and policies complete Stakeholder map complete Champions identified and engaged Critical stakeholders engaged to learn more about water security situation Institutional and political conditions identified Science Critical data and information reviewed, data gaps identified 5 dimensions of water security analyzed Potential WF interventions identified and prioritized Consensus achieved on key challenges the WF would help address and why WF is the right mechanism to solve the identified challenges Finance Detailed cost-estimate of Design Phase complete High-level / rough cost estimate of total Water Fund cost complete Potential funding sources identified Implementation Capacity to design WF identified/available SWOT analysis complete Recommendation of Go/No Go Decision WF Director hired Communications Elevator pitch for WF complete Relevant reports prepared (e.g. Situation Analysis, Decision Support Document) Learn more about each area:
WATER FUNDS FEASIBILITY PHASE HIGH-LEVEL ACTION PLAN Name: ____________________ Date: _____________________ ACTIONS COMPLETED Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 ACTION ELIGIBILITY 1.01 Gather information needed to make eligibility determination 1.02 Complete Eligibility Checklist 1.03 Eligibility Go / No-Go Decision FEASIBILITY 1.04 Secure seed funding and resources to test Feasibility 1.05.01 Gather information needed to complete Situation Analysis and feasibility determination 1.05.02 Finalize Situation Analysis report and prepare Decision Support Document 1.05.03 Finalize the Decision Support Document and make recommendation on how WF can contribute to WS 1.06 Feasibility Go / No-Go Decision PREPARE FOR DESIGN 1.07 Gain WF Champion, Hire WF Director, and begin engaging critical stakeholders 1.08 Secure funding for Design Phase Access templates and more info: