UNC – Coastal Studies Institute Caleb S. Hill LEED Certified Certified in 2014 Gold Certification Awarded 64 Points Sustainable Features Video Click Here Landscape Design Site was raised by ~5 ft. 71% of site is open space Minimal exterior lights to lower light pollution Abundance of native plants Sustainable Design 24% of building materials consist of recycled materials Low-Emitting materials (paint, flooring, etc.) Day lighting provided for 95% of occupied spaces Mechanical and natural ventilated spaces 48,000 gallons cistern storage Water Efficiency 48,000 gallons cistern storage; potable water use reduced by 75% Wastewater is treated to tertiary standards and is infiltrated or may be used on-site Alternative Transportation Bicycle storage provided Preferred parking spots for low emission and carpool vehicles Healthy Building for Occupants Low-Emitting materials including paints, adhesives and sealants, flooring systems, and composite wood products were used Smoking on-site is prohibited which minimizes exposure to second-hand smoke. Direct line of sight views from 94% of all regularly occupied seated spaces Day lighting has been provided for 95% of occupied spaces Recycling & Materials 24% of building materials content has been manufactured using recycled materials 75% of on-site generated construction waste was recycled.
References: http://www.coastalstudiesinstitute.org/ https://www.arch2o.com/against-leed-does-leed-matter-anymore/