Smart Rivers – Pittsburgh september, 20th 2017 Economical model of Inland Waterways in European multimodal corridors Smart Rivers – Pittsburgh september, 20th 2017 15 septembre 2015 Cofinancé par la
A network of 20 000 km of large gauge Waterways and inland ports
Recent evolution of inland waterway and rail 1995-2015 Germany :Stable around 35% with rail (+5%) and IWT (-5%) to the benefit of Hamburg and Bremerhaven ports Netherland : Increase of IWT+Rail share (+9%) ( IWT : 40%) Belgium : Strong increase of IWT+Rail share (+14%) with +12% for IWT France : Stable around 22% with slight IWT increase (+2%) IWT share is 4% in France and between 12 et 40% in BE, DE and NL.
IWT and rail evolution in France Modal share in Tons and Tons*km
Inland Waterway, Ports and Cities European waterway network 20000 km for vessels > 1500 T Concentrated along large urban areas Key missing links to develop massified transport solutions
Key principles for an integrated model European interconnexion between IW Countries ( France, Germany, Belgium, Netherland,…) Sharing the benefit of IW with the stake holders (Public and private) Mutimodal logistic approach with railway sector ( intra europe and hinterland of seaports) within the european corridors to reduce road impact in Europe Multifunctional and multimodal model ( Transport, Tourism, Water management, Industrial and logistic activities along rivers and canal, renewable energy..) Public and Private partnership (State/ Europe /Local authorities / Economical stakeholders)
European Core network mutimodal corridors Shift to IWT and rail 30% of medium and long distance road transport Develop multilmodal hubs
Sharing the benefits of IW with the stakeholders Economical and private stakeholders : Shippers : Competitivity, added value, internal logistic savings, Bargers : Lower transport cost, access from seaports to internal, acces to large cities, multimodal offers Contribution with user toll and land fees for operation Public stakeholders Europe : European interconnexion, growth and jobs, modal shift State : Ports development, industrial sectors, GDP, trade balance, multimodality, less road congestion Regional authorities and cities: Access to metropolises, Economical development, jobs, tourism, less transport impact Contribution with grant for the construction/regeneration costs
Multimodal joint logistic approach Amsterdam-Marseille IW/Rail services study 15 infrastructure and port europeans partners consult from 2013 to 2016 with 450 economical players Solutions for industrial and logistics players to reduce long distance road transport Develop European multimodal hubs within the North Sea -Mediterranean corridor; Three sets of recommandations General for massificatioin and mutualization Specifics for the 3 basins Specific for 4 industrial sector (Agro/ Civil works/Circular economy/Consumer goods)
Geographical dimensions, Multi-users, Multifunctional activities An IW economical and multimodal model should integrate Impacts at different geographical levels : local, regional, national, european, wordwide Expectation of large number of stakeholders ( ie :1100 institutions for Seine-Scheldt) Various functions : Transport, Logistic, Tourism, water Management, Energy,.. Multimodal effects ( Ports, Rail, Road, Maritime transport) CBA will quantify these effects, globalize and distribute : By beneficiaries (Europe, State, Regions, infra Manager, shippers, barger,…) By regional distribution By type of mode of transport ( Ports, Rail, Road,..)
Examples of resuts of multimodal models Reduction of road traffic Share of container market Consumption market ( Waste,..)
Public and private partnership Replacement of 31 Aisne-Meuse manual weirs A single contract to respond to the challenges of standardisation and optimisation of the management of the drainage basin 31 weirs: 29 manual weirs + 2 weirs, which have already been rebuilt by VNF 4 low head power plant (3 news) 2 basins: the Aisne and the Meuse 24 October 2013 : signature date (after 3 years of procedure for recruiting the private partner) 30 ans of contract 5 years of works for the reconstruction of weirs 312 millions € of investment
Example of PPP organization BAMEO Communication Manufacturer designer group Administrative procedures Dialogue and relations with stakeholders Environmental measures Detailed studies Works SEMAO Operator Maintenance Operation Compensatory measures Hydraulic energy SERVICES OF THE STATE A standard contractual structure A designer-constructor agreement on a fixed price (open to review) for the works in order to guarantee the stability of the costing
Eco-system of Inland Waterway Canal Reliabiity Tourism Transports Multimodality Environment Fédérateur sustainability Mobility Support to Industry Innovation Network Europe Responsible Economy Growth Futur Water Massification Ports External Trade Performance Interregions Biodiversity Attractivity Connections Territories Competitivity Fluidity Partnrrship Ecological Transition Flows Services Logistics Rivers Jobs Culture Environment Economy Network Sources : groupes de travail Communication ; entretiens SPW et W&Z.
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