National clas standards National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Healthcare
Cultural Competency Definition on an Individual level: An examination of one’s own attitudes and values, and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attributes that will allow an individual to work appropriately in cross-cultural situations. Definition on a Macro level A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals that enable that system, agency or professionals to work effectively in cross cultural situations.
Linguistic Competency Definition The capacity of an organization and its personnel to convey communication effectively to children, youth and families so that informed health care decisions are made. This includes individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), the deaf and hard of hearing, English Language Learners (ELL) and individuals living with disabilities.
Silent Beats
Discussion What reactions do you have to the movie? How does each of the characters view each other? What are the key messages of the movie? Think about a time when you have been stereotyped by others and when you have stereotyped someone else. How do you manage your own biases? Harvard Implicit Association Test
Discussion Never attain cultural or linguistic competency – ongoing learning Being aware of our own biases and mental models we have learned Replace judgment with curiosity and respect Communicate across differences Recognize power imbalances so can build respectful partnerships When find yourself categorizing – slow your response to realize any bias
Cultural Connection Activity
Questions What were some birthday traditions in your family growing up? What was important to you as a child about birthdays? Do you still keep up those traditions? How and when does your family celebrate the new year? What tradition do you have around new babies? How do you celebrate the coming of a new baby? What do you do for the arrival? Anything within the first year? Describe a Thanksgiving tradition you enjoy. What was a food served in your family growing up that you really did not like? One that you really enjoyed and might continue to make? If you wanted to serve a visitor a meal that would help them to understand your cultural heritage, what meal would you serve?
CLAS Standards Principal CLAS standard To provide effective, equitable, understandable, and respectful quality care and services that are responsive to diverse cultural health benefits and practices, preferred languages, health literacy and other communication needs.
Group activity