Transforming a Traditional Face-to-Face Acts Course to a Hybrid Course Dr. Karen Buchanan Director, Teacher Education Cascade College Oklahoma Christian University James Dvorak, M.A., M.Div. Director, North Institute for Educational Technology Oklahoma Christian University 11/12/2018
Introduction Course: Context of Study Conceptual Basis for study Life of the Early Church: Acts Required course Context of Study ThinkPad University Standard hardware Standard software Wireless campus Blackboard Culture change Conceptual Basis for study Learner-centered education Collaborative learning Formative assessment 7 Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education Context: --began strategic planning in late 90’s, main driver of planning: pedagogy --part of the plan was to implement an e-Campus --ThinkPad U --Wireless network (100Mb connection to Internet) --Blackboard **All of this led to a major culture change, for both students and faculty!** 11/12/2018
Case Study Participants: 37 freshman-level students 83% 18-20 years old; 10% 23-24 years old; 7% 25 or older 90% residential students and had 24/7 access to technology 11/12/2018
“The Internet changes everything.” I’m sure someone more insightful than me has said this [samples] “The most dramatic changes are driven not by the technology itself but rather by its applications.” Duderstadt, Atkins, Van Houweling, 2003 11/12/2018
Elements of Course Lectures: Collaborative work Outside course via Bb Streaming audio with synchronized slides Additional related materials online Collaborative work Team projects Grouping criteria Keirsey & Learning Style Limited self-selection 11/12/2018
Incorporated Technologies Blackboard E-mail Message boards (for teams and class) Virtual classroom/synchronous chat File sharing/digital drop box Streaming Media (now can be done easily with MS Producer) Microsoft NetMeeting Microsoft Word collaboration tools Adobe Acrobat 11/12/2018
Assessments Formative Summative Online quizzes Feedback on project work Peer review Summative Milestone assignments Final project Summative peer review on final project 11/12/2018
Case Study Findings (2002SP) Global questions Too much/too little technology? (about 50% yes /50% no) Prefer traditional class format over chosen format? (56% yes) Format questions (these have changed since study) Did technology help or hinder relationship with teacher? (52% helped; 34% hindered) Did technology enhance ability to learn? (50% yes) Prefer lectures online or in class? (50 online /50 F2F) Prefer formative nature of quizzes or summative? (majority yes) Prefer milestone assignments or exams? (80% milestones) Prefer format of class? (78% prefer hybrid; 0% wanted completely online) Questions about collaboration Prefer face-to-face or online teamwork? (59% prefer F2F; but flexible) Prefer the group selection procedure? (wanted more diversity) 11/12/2018
Lessons Learned Group selection More balanced approach to lecture (in class v. out of class) Incorporate more formative assessment on projects More intergroup collaboration 11/12/2018
Implications for Others Pedagogically sound strategies for others to try Conceptual basis and experience of course stimulates conversation about learning and instruction Provides faculty development opportunities 11/12/2018
Contact Information Dr. Karen Buchanan James Dvorak, M.A., M.Div. 11/12/2018