Course Selection 2018-2019
English English 4 GL English 4 AP English 4 DC Early College Program Dual Credit through HCC
Language Arts Course of Studies Grade Level ACC AP ECP Junior Course Taken English III EL132 S/B English III ACC EL13A A/B English III AP EL139 A/B English III ECP EL13D A/B DC/ECP English 1301/1302 English 2322/2323 DE Senior Course English IV EL142 A/B English IV DC EL14D A/B EL149 A/B English IV ECP EL24D A/B English IV DE EL14E A/B
English III GL Students English IV AP English IV DC (HCC) English IV DE (UT) English IV GL
English III ACC Students English IV AP English IV DC (HCC) English IV DE (UT) English IV GL
English III AP Students English IV AP English IV DC (HCC) English IV DE (UT) English IV GL
OnRamps Students English III ECP UT OnRamps Passing High School Grades Denied U.T Grade and Credit English III ECP UT OnRamps Enroll In English IV AP Enroll in English IV DC Enroll In English IV DE Repeat of UT OnRamps where credit was denied
OnRamps Students English III ECP UT OnRamps Passing High School Grades Accepted U.T Grade and Credit English III ECP UT OnRamps Enroll In English IV ECP (HCC at SHS) (must enroll in Government ECP) Enroll in English IV AP
To Enroll in English IV DC with HCC TYPE OF ASSESSMENT Minimum scores for Reading & Writing based classes ACT (TSI exemption) English 19 Composite 23 (need BOTH) SAT MARCH 2018 Evidence-based Reading & Writing (ERWS) 480 STAAR EOC (TSI waiver) English II 4000 TSI Assessment WS: 5-8 & Reading 351 (need BOTH) OR WRITE 363 & WS 4 & Read 351
Social Studies Gov’t/Eco GL Gov’t/Eco AP Early College Program Dual Credit *World History AP offered at MHS,SHS, SWHS and WAIS
History Course of Studies Grade Level AP ECP American Government SS212 And Economics SS222 American Government AP SS219 and Economics AP SS229 American Government ECP SS217D and SS Topics 1 ECP SS218D along with Econ SS222 or Economics AP SS229 Must be in English IV ECP
Math Math Models GL Algebra 2 GL or Pre-AP Pre-Calculus GL or Pre-AP Calculus GL or AP/AB or AP/BC Statistics AP Algebra III GL
Mathematics Course of Studies Grade Level Courses Math Models MT702 A/B Pre-Calculus MT402 A/B Algebra II MT232 A/B Calculus MT412 A/B (Local Credit) Algebra III MT252 A/B
Mathematics Course of Studies Pre-AP / Courses Algebra II PAP MT231 A/B Pre-Calculus PAP MT401 A/B AP Calculus AB MT419 A/B AP Calculus BC MT429 A/B AP Statistics MT519 A/B
Science Aquatic Science GL Chemistry 1 GL or Pre-AP ** If you are taking Math Models next year, select this as your science course.** Chemistry 1 GL or Pre-AP Physics 1 GL, Pre-AP AP Environmental Systems Earth and Space Science
Science Anatomy and Physiology Medical Microbiology and Pathophysiology (must be taken together)
Sciences at Guthrie Advanced Animal Science Advanced Plant Science Forensic Science (Law Enforcement classes required)
Advanced Science AP Physics I AP Physics C Mechanics AP Physics C Electromagnetism (must be taken concurrently) AP Environmental Science AP Biology II AP Chemistry II AP Physics II
Dual Enrollment Science UT OnRamps Earth and Space DE (Also known as GeoScience)
Science Course of Studies Grade Level Chemistry I SC212 A/B Environmental Systems SC472 A/B Physics I SC312 A/B Aquatic Science SC412 A/B Anatomy and Physiology SC442 A/B Earth and Space Science SC812 A/B Medical Microbiology SC712 A/B and Pathophysiology SCI722 A/B (Must be taken concurrently)
Science Course of Studies Pre-AP Level AP Level Chemistry I PAP SC211 A/B AP Physics I SC316 A/B AP Biology II SC 149 A/B Physics I PAP SC311 A/B AP Physics II SC326 A/B AP Chemistry II SC229 A/B AP Physics C 1 – Mechanics SCI 329 and AP Physics C 2 – Electricity and Magnetism SCI 330 Must be taken concurrently AP Environmental Science SC 479 A/B
Science Course of Studies Dual Enrollment Courses GeoScience University of Texas OnRamps Course SC81EA / SC81EB
Enter Your Electives: Lines 5-8 Required for graduation: Languages other than English: 2 years of the same language required to graduate Spanish, German, French, ASL, (Computer Science 1 & 2) 1 year of P.E. required (4 credits of P.E. can count towards the 26 credits you need to graduate) Athletics, Band, Dance, Team Sports, PE Tennis, Individual Sports (Spin Fit) 1 year of Fine Arts required (Band, Choir, Orchestra, Dance, Theater, Tech. Theater) Endorsement Electives: See Course Catalogue Stratford High School -8 courses instead of 7 courses—change this slide to reflect correct number.
Athletics Sport Boys Girls Football / Volleyball PB405A/B & HP110A/B PB412/B & HP111A/B Basketball PB4B2A/B & HP110A/B PB4G2A/B & HP111A/B Baseball/Softball PB410A/B & HP110A/B PB408A/B & HP111A/B Cross Country PB403A/B & HP110A/B PB403A/B & HP111A/B Track PB411A/B & HP110A/B PB411A/B & HP111A/B Tennis PB410A/B Swimming PB409A/B & HP110A/B PB409A/B & HP111A/B Diving PB404A/B & HP110A/B PB404A/B & HP111A/B Golf PB406A/B & HP110A/B PB406A/B & HP111A/B Soccer PB4B7A/B & HP110A/B PB4G7A/B & HP111A/B
(Teacher Approval Required) Dance / Music / Theater Discipline Course Number Band 12 VBN12 A/B Choir 12 VCX12 A/B Orchestra 12 VOR12 A/B Spartanaires 12 PA714 A/B & PDNC4 A/B Theater Arts IV PA614 A/B Tech Theater IV (Teacher Approval Required) PA624A/B
ART Courses Prerequisites must be met Drawing Course Number Art I FA112 A/B Art II Drawing FA122 A/B Art III Drawing FA132 A/B AP Art IV Drawing FA140 A/B Sculpture Art II – 3D FA125 A/B Art III – 3D FA135 A/B Art IV – 3D FA145 A/B Photography Art II Photography FA127 A/B Art III Photography FA137 A/B Art IV Photography FA147 A/B
ART Courses Prerequisites must be met Advanced Art Course Number AP Art History FA139 A/B AP Art IV Studio FA149 A/B AP Art 2-D Design FA159 A/B AP Art 3-D Design FA169 A/B Art II Digital Dual Enrollment U.T OnRamps Course FA12E A/B
2 to 3 credits per year depending on # of hours worked per week. What’s New? Career Prep Must have employment of at least 10 hours per week by first day of school Options: Career Prep Class and Career Prep off campus period every other day OR Career Prep Class and off campus period every day 2 to 3 credits per year depending on # of hours worked per week.
Conditions / Hours -1st Year CAREER PREPARATION Conditions / Hours -1st Year Course Number 10 hours a Week CCP81 A/B Related Off-Campus AD800 A/B 15 or more hours a week CCP81 C/D AD780 A/B Conditions / Hours – 2nd Year CCP91 A/B CCP91 C/D
Academy of Science & Engineering What’s New? SHS Academies Academy of Finance Academy of Science & Engineering
Complete your Course Selection Worksheet. Include course #’s in lines 5-8.
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