Middle East History Vocabulary SS7H2 - The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21st century. Bell-Ringer – What do the words “analyze,” “continuity,” and “change” mean?
Vocabulary Instructions You may either take your notes by KIM Chart or 3- Column Notes. Examples? Will be handed in for a grade at the end of class.
Conflict A serious disagreement or argument; often involving fighting.
Partition Separating or dividing land.
Zionism a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
Holocaust (1933-1945) When over 6 million Jews were persecuted and killed in concentration camps in Germany during WWII.
Anti-Semitism A hatred for Jews because they practice the Jewish faith
Palestine An ancient country and former British territory that was divided between Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. Palestinians are Arabs.
Ottoman Empire (1299-1923) An empire that controlled much of SW Asia from 1299 to the end of WWI.
Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) A military force used to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi war.
Invasion of Afghanistan (2001-Present) The War in Afghanistan is the period in which the United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks to find Osama bin Laden & Al-Qaeda.
Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2011) An invasion led by USA in 2003 to stop the development of nuclear weapons by Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
Work Session Create a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words that shows you know what the word means: conflict, partition, Zionism, Holocaust, Anti-Semitism. I do not want to see anything like this: “Partition means separating or dividing land.” That does not show that you understand the word, only that you can define the word. Using R.A.C.E., describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflict in the Middle East.
Closing Presentation of complete sentences. Reading of R.A.C.E. response and discussion.