Middle East, 1945-present
The Conflicts Begin After WORLD WAR I, the Middle East went from being controlled by the Ottoman Empire to being controlled by the MANDATE SYSTEM (1919-1945) Mandates were established by the League of Nations
Mandates French mandates included SYRIA and LEBANON British mandates included JORDAN and PALESTINE and IRAQ
DESIRE FOR JEWISH HOMELAND ZIONISTS were activists who wanted the creation of a Jewish nation (ISRAEL) With the BALFOUR DECLARATION in 1917, the British had promised to secure a national Jewish homeland, but they took no action
ISRAEL and PALESTINE In 1948, largely as a result of the HOLOCAUST during WWII, the UNITED NATIONS partitioned Palestine into two independent nations, Israel and Palestine.
The PALESTINIANS Arabs immediately declared war, but Israel won and took more territory The Palestinians ended up with no territory. Most Palestinians became REFUGEES in other Arab countries
Suez Crisis 1956 Egyptian President Gamal Nasser moved to take control of Suez Canal from Britain Britain and Israel forced to withdraw
War Again 1967 SIX DAY WAR: Arabs blockaded Israel (Arabs = Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia). Under Prime Minister Golda Meir, Israel struck first, defeated them all and won more territory, including Jerusalem, the SINAI PENINSULA and GOLAN HEIGHTS
THE PLO After the Six Day War, Yassir Arafat formed the Palestinian Liberation Organization and became its leader. The PLO practiced terrorism and was linked to the attacks at the MUNICH OLYMPICS in 1972 in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed.
War Again! October 1973: YOM KIPPUR WAR: Egypt and Syria attack to regain territory in Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights, but Israel wins again. Superpowers are involved: US supplies Israel; USSR backs Arabs.
PEACE?? 1978 CAMP DAVID ACCORDS. U.S. President Jimmy Carter negotiates peace between ISRAEL and EGYPT, reestablishes pre-1967 borders Egyptian President Sadat was assassinated in 1981 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
Palestinian Homeland? Palestinian uprising known as INTIFADA began in 1987. It lasted until 1993. A Second Intifada occurred from 2000-05.
OSLO AGREEMENTS 1993--U.S. President Bill Clinton negotiated treaty between Israel, led by YITZHAK RABIN, and the Palestinians, led by Arafat. Negotiations took place in OSLO, NORWAY. Palestinians gained self-government in Israeli-owned territories of Gaza and West Bank. Rabin was assassinated in 1995. Arafat died of disputed causes in 2004.
Violence continues Points of conflict include: Control of Jerusalem Palestinian self-determination Jewish settlements in Palestinian areas Palestinian Refugees
Arab Spring Series of uprisings against dictators/ absolute monarchs beginning in December 2010 Rulers forced from power in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen; civil uprisings in Bahrain and Syria Goals of protesters vary Social media--significant