Early Man.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Man

Pre-history—before writing History—study of written records

AD=Anno Domini (in the year of our lord in Latin) BC=before Christ Dates go in reverse (255, 254, 253, etc) AD=Anno Domini (in the year of our lord in Latin) Dates go normally BC/BCE AD/CE 200 100 Jesus is born

Sources Primary: 1st hand (i.e. diary or letter) Secondary: 2nd hand- person was not there (i.e. textbooks)

Archaeologist- Study “stuff” (artifacts) left behind (pottery, tools, buildings, etc.) Radio-carbon Dating Only organic (once living) material Measures Carbon 14 left in material

1974—Dr. Donald Johanson discovered “Lucy”—pre-historic female skeleton Bipedal 3.2 million years old

Australopithecus “Southern Ape”—more ape than human (Lucy) 4 million years ago 4 ft. tall Small brain, flat nose, large teeth

Large Brained Hominids Homo habilis 2 mya “Handy Man”- tools Homo erectus 1 mya “Upright Man” - fire Homo sapiens 200,000 ya “Wise Man” - smart

Cue “Becoming Human” Prologue & Evidence

Homo sapiens East Africa 100,000-400,000 years ago Migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, & the Americas

Ice Ages allowed migration Land bridges

Early humans were hunters-gatherers (depended on wild plants & animals)

Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) 500,000 BC – 8,000 BC Nomadic 1st tools FIRE Lived in clans Oral language Cave art

Neanderthal Neander Valley, Germany 100,000 years ago Large brains Thick bones Muscular necks & shoulders Hyoid bone

Cro-Magnon 40,000 years ago Looked like us 35,000 yrs ago Cro-Magnon replaced Neanderthal

Homo sapiens—Cro-Magnon Excellent toolmakers Knife Chisel Bone fish hooks Bone needles Stone axe Canoe—allowed for transportation and trade Bow & arrow

Neolithic Era (New Stone Age) 8,000 BC- 3,000 BC Domesticated plants=AGRICULTURE Domesticated animals Farming allowed humans to settle down & create civilizations

Civilization Produce food surplus Establish towns Establish governments

Neolithic Revolution Specialization of labor Loom —weaving Wheel —transportation Brick—buildings Metal work—weapons, tools, jewelry Calendars—planting & harvesting times Religion

Neolithic Revolution Early villages developed near rivers Different areas grew different crops Asia—rice North/Central America—corn (maize) South America—potatoes Middle East—wheat and barley

How can we tell this depicts the Neolithic Era?

Fertilizers (fish or manure) Irrigation Neolithic Revolution Plow Bronze (copper + tin) Fertilizers (fish or manure) Irrigation

Stonehenge Site in England that was begun during the Neolithic and completed during the Bronze Age.

Writing Invented by priests— keep track of offerings Earliest writing—pictograms (marks & pictures)

Oldest prehistoric village-found in ancient Palestine (8000 B.C. )

c. 7000 BC

Catal Huyuk Anatolia (Modern Day Turkey) Walls enclosed 32 acres & 8,000 people Largest Neolithic village