Environmental Awareness Training Cleveland, TN 2017
Aspects & Impacts Overview Aspects – operational process that poses environmental risk Impacts – the impact the operational process has on the environment Aspects Impacts Metal Fabrication Energy consumption, recycling scrap metal Painting and coating operations Water consumption, energy consumption, wastewater discharge, non-hazardous waste, air emissions Forklift operations Burning propane gas, disposal of electric batteries Packaging waste Disposal of banding, bubble wrap, etc. Aerosol & Touch up Paint Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions
Air/Energy When possible, help conserve energy by powering down or “hibernating” workstations when unattended. Report air leaks when observed Make sure exhaust fans are operating within range. ATS will ensure filters and PM compliance is sustained. When observing “abnormal conditions” with critical equipment (i.e. paint lines, wastewater treatment, etc.) report immediately to supervisor. Submit a Vision if you have ideas how we can improve our energy use.
Water Use Report any leaks in area. Reduce water and consumption whenever possible. Eaton has installed automated faucets & toilets to save water Additional flow meters are being installed to better understand our water consumption. Eaton establishes goals and objectives each year for water reduction Submit a Vision if you have ideas how we can improve our water use.
Water Impacts Storm Water Waste Water Don’t leave debris or chemicals outside exposed to rainfall Don’t dump any chemicals on the ground Report any spills/leaks observed immediately Repair leaks on vehicles to prevent oil runoff Site is transitioning to a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and will require periodic testing in the future. Waste Water Don’t dump any chemicals or industrial material down the drain All water discharge must meet pre-treatment standards Site has a discharge permit that allows for “pre-treated” water to be sent to sewer district. If operators observe any “abnormal conditions,” they should be reported to your supervisor immediately.
Waste Waste streams on site include: Cardboard General Trash (landfill) Universal Waste (batteries, CFLs, etc.) Recycling (bottles, cans, paper) Scrap metal (steel, copper, aluminum, etc.) Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste (oils, paint line waste) Hazardous waste (Aerosols, waste paint, etc.) Please segregate your waste and help us recycle. Our site is a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) – which means we generate <220lbs of hazardous waste per month. Only trained personnel should handle Universal Waste and hazardous waste. Submit a Vision if you have ideas how we can reduce our waste generation.
Environmental Playbook All projects discovered during reviews must be submitted into GEM database and tracked during monthly operations review GHG Sites participating in ENEROC program (Top – 10) to continue with implementing metering equipment and generating projects based on results Re-deploy Lighting and Compressed Air Leak surveys and HVAC equipment for efficiencies/upgrades – implementing projects based on results Train employees on how they contribute to the overall objective Water Re-deploy/Review water map/balance to understand biggest contributors to water usage – implement projects based on results and train employees on how they contribute to the overall objective Waste Re-deploy/Review Waste Inventory to understand where our waste in generated, what waste is going to landfill and generate projects to reduce generation on biggest contributors. Re-connect with Heritage for waste disposal (NA region) for current opportunities for disposal practices Ensure recycling program is implemented and employees are trained on their participation and the objective Submit a Vision if you have ideas how we can reduce our waste generation.
Environment Metrics for CTN Corporate establishes Sustainability Metrics 3% Reduction for Water and Waste 0% (Flat) Reduction for GHG Environmental Activities/Projects Discover, promote and implement Learn from others – Share best practices Submit a Vision if you have ideas how we can reduce our waste generation.