The Role of the Laity Session 3
Who are the laity? Those who are not ordained, yet take on roles in the parish to assist the ordained in helping the parish community. Pope Pius XII wrote in his discourse: “Lay believers are in the front line of Church life; for them the Church is the animating principle of human society. Therefore, they in particular ought to have an ever-clearer consciousness not only of belonging to the Church, but of being the Church.”
How do the laity serve their parish? When we are baptized, we are anointed as Prophet, Priest and King. As prophets, laypeople speak the word of God and witness to the life, teachings, and saving actions of Christ. As priests, laypeople offer worship to God, especially by participating in the Eucharistic liturgy. As kings, laypeople profit from the authority and power of God to continue Christ’s ministry of service and love to all people.
Prophet Teach others how to Pray Participate in the sacraments Celebrate feast days Teach the faith Teach about the saints Begin with your family and then spread the word to others Be an example to others of what it means to be Catholic
Priest Pray for others Pray for those whom it may be hard to pray for Make sacrifices in your life to make others’ lives better Pray together as a family Be forgiving of others Ask for forgiveness
King Be a leader in words and deeds Lead others to a life of virtue Lead others to a life of service Lead others to God Lead others to be humble
Reflection Click here to answer this week’s question.
References Slide 2 boundaries-between-the-ordained-and-the-laity/ Slide 3 priestly-and-kingly-duties-of-baptism/ Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Google Forms image order-of-melchizedek/