Presentations for the IAF-PP Review Panel are restricted to a maximum of 10 slides Additional slides may be placed in an Annex deck
Key Objectives and Description of Proposed Programme Please indicate how the proposed programme: Addresses a major trend, capability gap and/or driver of change that could impact the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) Industry Is differentiated from related programmes in the Asia Pacific and/or globally Could enhance the attractiveness of Singapore as an R&D location for the AME Industry CONFIDENTIAL
Implementation Plan Please outline the proposed implementation plan, including: Research approach and deliverables, specifying any aspects that are novel or differentiated Key process and steps in achieving the research objectives Team members’ contribution to the proposed programme CONFIDENTIAL
Potential Impact for Industry Development and Value Capture for Singapore Describe the value capture pathway and articulate the potential industry development outcomes of the proposed programme using one or more of the following constructs: Attract new R&D investments to Singapore by international and/or local companies (name company, where applicable) Transform existing AME industry and companies in Singapore to maintain global competitiveness Create new industry segment and businesses, create high quality jobs, or drive top line growth for companies in Singapore Attract Transform Create CONFIDENTIAL
Milestones and Deliverables Research Milestones/ Deliverables Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Etc. CONFIDENTIAL
Budget Request CONFIDENTIAL Manpower (EOM) Qualifications No. Year 1($) Year 2($) Year 3($) Total ($) Postdoctoral Fellow Research Assistant Laboratory Technician Others (Pls specify) EOM Subtotal Equipment (please list) Equipment Subtotal Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Materials & Consumables Animal Cost (if applicable) Others (pls state) OOE Subtotal Overheads (20%) GRAND TOTAL CONFIDENTIAL