COMMUNITY Good morning everyone, Our community Symbols - • cross – the symbol of our Christian faith • Staff – we believe God provides us with Saints, our parents and teachers to lead us • Lantern - God is the light that guides us in our actions and thoughts • Bible – we proclaim the Good News – the word of God • BERNI’s – we are people of peace and help each other to become stronger in our faith
ST BERNARD’S COMMUNITY Good morning everyone, We commence our school prayer assembly this morning by declaring we are people of faith by making the sign of the cross. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
ST BERNARD’S COMMUNITY When we stand together in the presence of our national flags and sing our national anthem we declare we are members of the nation of Australia. We commence our school prayer assembly this morning by declaring we are people of faith by making the sign of the cross. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
In Religion Year 4/5 have been investigating the concept of COMMUNITY. A community is lots of different people who live near each other and help each other. A community is stronger than lots of people on their own. If you have some twigs, it is easy to break them one by one, because, on their own, they are weak. (Demonstrate.) It is difficult to break them in a bundle, because being together makes them stronger. (Demonstrate.) It is the same with us. If we try to do everything by ourselves, we do not make a good job of things. If we work together, we are more successful. We need each other.
We noticed that our community members dress in a uniform and use an emblem to identify ourselves.
and use an emblem to identify ourselves.
St Bernard’s is a Catholic community that prays and works together by following Jesus’ teachings. Our community of St Bernard’s is a community of believers.
Let us pray As people of St Bernard’s community we pray – Loving God hear our prayer - repeat
Let us pray 1. God our parent share with us your wisdom when we are worried. Loving God – hear our prayer.
Let us pray God our creator, strengthen us with the sacraments of our Catholic community. Loving God – hear our prayer.
Let us pray Holy Spirit inspire us to be Good Samaritans even to strangers. Loving God – hear our prayer
Let us pray Jesus our teacher, remind us to be the best we can be. Loving God – hear our prayer.
Go Now Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord Go now in peace and follow in my way Go now in peace and follow in my way. Love one another as I have loved you Care for each other as I care for you Be not afraid of the darkness of night I hear your voice in the darkness and the light. As people of St Bernard’s Catholic Community we remember the words of God in our closing hymn – Hymn Go Now by John Burland -
Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord Go now in peace and follow in my way Go now in peace and follow in my way. Walk with each other as I walk with you. Stand by each other as I stand with you When brothers and sisters cry for your help My voice you’ll hear as I cry out your name.
Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord Go now in peace and follow in my way Go now in peace and follow in my way. Listen to my word and live it each day Share it with others in all that you do Follow the path that I’ve shown to you Celebrate my love in all that you do.
Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord Go now in peace and follow in my way Go now in peace and follow in my way. Qg We ask Ms McMahon to address the assembly.