Public Health as Community Health Strategist: Leadership Skills for 2020 and Beyond Program Overview Presented by Jane Smilie, MPH, Population Health Partners, LLC on behalf of the Association of Montana Public Health Officials
Who we are, what we do
Afternoon agenda Overview of CHS Practices Pre-program assessment Nuts and bolts of the program Develop co-coaching groups First draft of individual development plans Learn about resources for developing community health strategists Next steps Quick meeting evaluation
Program objective To prepare local Montana public health leaders to serve in the role of community health strategist and deliver public health programs, protections and services under the new model called Public Health 3.0.
Key components Leadership training and kickoff Leadership training and kickoff Meeting at MPHA on Monday, September 17, 2:30 – 4 Monthly support in a peer co-coaching team Webinars - content tailored to needs of the group Support from AMPHO Individual Development Plans – with a project and training goals A training event at the 2019 Montana Public Health Training Institute A comprehensive evaluation of the program
Potential webinar topics Leadership Leadership Public health-primary care collaborations Structured, cross-sector partnerships Collective impact model Contemporary organizational practices Cross-jurisdictional sharing Evidence-based policy and interventions Contemporary health challenges Use of existing and new data sources
Peer co-coaching teams are the primary focus of the program Peer co-coaching teams are the primary focus of the program. Individual work and learning events provide the content. Individual Work Individual development plans On-line training Peer Teams Monthly calls Group problem solving with a focus on IDP projects Topical discussions Learning Events Summer Institute 2018 Webinars Summer Institute 2019 AMPHO Support
Peer co-coaching team agreement Review with the team Add to it if you all agree Sign and hand-in We will send you each a copy