Vocabulary List Two English One
cater Verb caters, catered, catering Means “to make things easy for someone” or “do whatever someone wants” Many parents cater to their children by buying them anything and everything they want.
customary Adjective No additional conjugations Means “usual or expected” It is customary to leave a 15% tip for your server at a restaurant.
hinder Verb Means “to prevent” or “to make more difficult” Hinders, hindered, hindering Means “to prevent” or “to make more difficult” The traffic accident definitely hindered my ability to make it to work on time.
hurtle Verb: Hurtles, hurtled, hurtling “To throw something fast and hard” My mom hurtled her chancla at me because I got a call home from Mr. O’Neal.
indifferent Adjective Means “no opinion” or “not interested” Adverb: indifferently Means “no opinion” or “not interested” I was indifferent when she asked me where I wanted to eat.
indispensable Adjective Means “absolutely necessary” Adverb: indispensably Means “absolutely necessary” Some people think their cell phones are indispensable and don’t know how to function without them.
mutual Adjective Means “shared or felt equally” Adverb: Mutually When I told her I liked her, she said the feeling was not mutual.
perilous Adjective “Dangerous” Noun: Peril In order to beat the level, the player must first conquer the perilous boss at the end.
poised Adjective No other conjugations Means “balanced,” “calm, controlled” or “ready for action” Batman always appears poised in the face of danger.
transparent Adjective Adverb: transparently Means “allowing light to pass through” or “obvious” The child’s lie about not eating the chocolate was transparent since he had it all over his face.
unscathed Adjective No other conjugations Means “unharmed” Remarkably, the driver emerged from the wreck unscathed.
Vague Adjective “Not clear” He gave me vague directions to the party, so I got lost.