English 9a literary Terms and usage review PowerPoint
Conflict: A problem or struggle between two opposing forces in a story.
Person against person or man against man conflict
Person against self Conflict
Person against society
Person against nature conflict
Theme: The message about life or human nature, which is “the focus” in the story. Typically, this theme shows up throughout the story. A story can have multiple themes.
Symbol: A person, place, or thing that represents something beyond itself, most often something concrete or tangible that represents an abstract idea
Flashback: Interruption of the chronological (time) order to present something that occurred before the beginning of the story.
Flash-forward: Important hints that an author drops to prepare the reader for what is to come, and help the reader anticipate the outcome.
METAPHOR: A direct comparison: my love is a rose, or he was a snake
Simile: An indirect comparison, mediated by “like” or “as”: my love is like a rose, or he was as mean as a snake.
CATHARSIS: is an emotional discharge through which one can achieve a state of moral or spiritual renewal or achieve a state of liberation from anxiety and stress. Catharsis is a Greek word and it means cleansing. In literature, it is used for the cleansing of emotions of the characters.
Setting: Setting mainly refers to the time-period a story takes place, and the location.
Allusion: A reference to another literary, historic, or artistic concept/work/person.
Diction: The author’s choice of words they use, or word choice.
Adapt: means to adjust or modify Adopt: means to take on
Affect: this is a verb, which means to impact or change effect: this is a noun, which refers to the result of change
Already: This refers to the rapid passing of time Already: This refers to the rapid passing of time. All ready: this refers to a number of things that are ready.
Among: This is used for relationships of more than two items Among: This is used for relationships of more than two items. More than 2 Between: this is used for relationships between two items. Only 2