Informational PDF #5 How to Prepare Your Precoding File and Upload it into the Portal System
Precoding for Barcode Labels Overview Precoding means that a student data file is submitted prior to testing, and barcode labels are produced using the file content. Precoding is an optional scoring service. Barcode labels increase the accuracy of student data. Barcode labels save valuable time for teachers—they replace “bubbling” the Answer Sheet. The barcoded labels are affixed to a student’s answer booklet or answer sheet. The precoding process is a means of obtaining barcode labels that can be affixed to a student’s answer sheet or test booklet, thus eliminating bubbling. The investment of the time it takes to create an upload file at the start of the process is balanced against the time it takes for students to bubble in their answer sheets. Once the file is uploaded, bar code labels are produced and sent in the Test Coordinator Kit, along with a roster.
Sample of Barcoded Labels Here are samples of the barcoded labels that are produced from your student upload file. You peel them off and stick them on an answer booklet or answer sheet in the space noted. These barcoded labels will arrive along with your Test Coordinator Kit. However, if you have submitted your pre-code file later than your online enrollment form, you may received the barcoded labels in a separate shipment.
Pre-ID Roster This Roster will be included in your Test Coordinator Kit, along with the printed labels. The Precode or Pre-ID Roster is included in your Test Coordinator Kit along with the labels. Again, if your labels are delivered to you after your Test Coordinator Kit has already been received, you will find the Roster in that same delivery.
Step 1: Log-in to Portal The DRC Portal can be accessed via several links. The User Guide lists your initial access URL as: Best practice is to bookmark this link for easy access by creating a short cut on your desktop, adding the URL to your Favorites, or dragging the URL to your Task Bar. Step 1 is to log in to the DRC Portal using your username and password created for your account. Note that help is available if you have forgotten your user name (which is your email address) or your password. To access the portal, use the URL listed on the front cover of your DRC Portal User Guide. Once on the log-in page, it is best practice to bookmark this link for eady access by creating a short cut on your desktop, adding the URL to your Favorites, or dragging the URL to your task bar.
Step 2: Open Menus on Menu Bar 2 Clicks: All Applications Student Management Step 2 is to open the menus by making 2 clicks: first, click on the All Applications link, which is the home base for accessing the menus; then, click on the Student Management menu.
Step 3: Click Manage Students Tab Step 3 is to click on the Manage Students tab.
Step 4: Click on Upload Multiple Students Tab Step 4 is to click on the Upload Multiple Student tab.
Step 5: Locate File Lay-out and Sample File Step 5 is to locate the File lay-out, which is a PDF document, and the Sample File, which is a .csv file, located in the blue highlighted area of the tab.
New File Lay-Out
Step 6: View/print File Lay-out & View/Save Sample File File layout Instructions Sample File Step 6 is to open and print the File Lay-out PDF. It contains all of the instructions for building your precode file. General instructions are also accessible in the Upload Multiple Students tab., and you may wish to open and read this overview. Also download the Sample File and save it on your desktop for use when you begin to enter your student data.
How to “read” the file lay-out: Gray ‘headers’ label & describe data to be placed in each column Ref # refers to the column number
Precode File Lay-out Requirements Here is the top part of the File Lay-out. There are 26 columns in this file lay-out, and instructions for the entering the content, along with whether or not the information is required are noted. In the Description column, you will also see notes that relate to “CSP” users, which stands for Christian School Program, which is another name for the ACSI testing program. There are 54 columns in the file lay-out
Sample File in .csv Format NEWl Max Field shows character limits for entries. Delete this row just prior to loading your READY file. KEEP THE HEADERS row, but DELETE the sample student data before submitting your READY file. This file keeps going for 27 more columns for a total of 54. This is the Sample File. It is already formatted for upload in .csv format. Once again, the sample information may be deleted, keeping the column headers, and you can use this file to enter your student upload information.
Guidelines to Preparing Your Student File for a Successful Upload ALWAYS SAVE YOUR DATA FILE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE BEFORE YOU UPLOAD. The Sample File provided opens using Excel, but you can re-save it in csv format for submitting Keep the MAX FIELD limits while entering data into the spreadsheet; then, this row must be deleted prior to saving the file as csv A fatal error will cause your file to be rejected; a rejected file can be edited and re-submitted. Some of the Fatal errors are: Any required column submitted blank Birthdate not in two-digit format with leading zero Grade not in two-digit format with leading zero (Col. 12) InView Level left blank (Col. 27) List wrong test ID ( other than 91 or 92) Triple check you file for accuracy of the data & the lay-out before submitting. Once a file is accepted by the system, it cannot be changed.
Step 7: Upload Completed Precode File REMINDER: SAVE YOUR FILE ON YOUR COMPUTER BEFORE SUBMITTING! Step 7 is to upload your completed precode file using the brose button to find the file on your computer’s hard drive. When your file name appears in the File field, click Upload. When your file appears here, click Upload. Browse to the location of your saved, completed .csv file.
File Transferring Message File may take up to 2 minutes to load. Do not click Upload again. Refresh the browser window by clicking on Ctrl+R. You will see a message that indicates that the file is being validated, and you may need to wait a few minutes for this validation to occur. If nothing happens, click back to the All Applications link and re-enter the Student Management menu, click Manage Students, and then Click the tab Upload Multiple Students. Or refresh the browser window by clicking CTRL+R
Student File Upload Messages This message indicates file was accepted and is being checked. Messages indicate no upload occurred because of fatal errors. Does not apply to CSP. SUCCESSFUL UPLOAD! This message does not apply to the CSP File Upload.
What to Do When Your File is Rejected If your file has a fatal error, it will be rejected and you will have an opportunity to correct the fatal errors Additionally, check the accuracy of the student information you have in the file because errors in demographic information are not necessarily fatal
Sample Error Report