Empirical Project
Format 10 to 15 pages double spaced 1 inch margins all around does not include bibliography or tables double spaced 1 inch margins all around Microsoft Word disk file hard copy
Organization Introduction motivation results structure for example educational policy resource allocation methodological issues why reader should be interested why you are interested results structure
Organization Literature review Describe the current state of knowledge Reference articles Highlight controversies or unsettled issues Describe where your paper fits in
Organization Theory or modeling May be formal or informal State your hypotheses may be implications of formal theory may relate them to the literature indicate how they will be tested
Organization Data Describe the data source observations time frame unusual or unique variables potentially unusual or unique observations
Organization Data Descriptive statistics inferences about observations inferences about hypotheses unusual or unique observations correlations subsets of the data
Organization Empirical approach OLS Techniques to address problems results problems Techniques to address problems
Organization Conclusions relate to your hypotheses relate to the literature further questions that arise from your work
Documentation Include your stata program disk and hard copy data cleaning to final data set redefining or constructing variables including or excluding observations constraint definition estimation commands post estimation tests or predictions
Object Formulate a model Describe hypotheses Estimate the model account for any econometric issues Report results Put results in context literature what is learned