Germany Anneliese Uschold
Map of Germany
Primary Languages Spoken(percentages of people who speak the following languages as a mother tongue or foreign language) 94.17% German (official language) 31.93% English 8.81% French 7.64% Russian
Population 82.67 million (2016) Around 93% of the population are from countries in the EU Middle Eastern/ Northern African migrants make up around 5% of the population Home to the third highest number of international migrants
Government democratic , federal parliamentary republic President: Frank-Walter Steinmeier Chancellor: Angela Merkel Speaker: Michael Muller Federal legislative power vested in the Bundestag and Bundesrat
Timeline Continued 1930-1945 Getmany invaded many European countries 1945 Russia, Britain, and USA invade Germany; Hitler commits suicide; Germany surrenders 1949 West Germany created 1955 joins NATO 1961 Communists build Berlin Wall 1989 Berlin Wall falls 1990 Germany reunited 2005 Angela Merkel becomes first woman chancellor
Cultural Artifacts Dreigroschenoper ( or Threepenny Opera): a play with music by Bertolt Brecht; seen in multiple films in the early 1900s Walther von der Vogelweide (composed and performed many love songs in 1100-1200s) Tristan und Isolde (opera based on 12th century romance novel) Erlking (name of fairy king in folklore) Pied Piper (legend)
Historical Timeline -772 AD Charlemagne king of the Franks attacks the Germans; after he died part of empire becomes Germany - 1157 Germanic Empire called Holy Roman for the first time 1349 Black Death strikes; kills about a third of the population 1525 The Peasants War 1618 Thirty Years War begins 1740s- 1870 wars with Prussia and other surrounding countries 1919 forced to sign The Treaty of Versailles 1933 Hitler becomes chancellor -
Cultural Artifacts Oktoberfest (popular food and beer festival) Coat of Arms of Germany The Heller altar by Albrecht Durer Gothic Architecture (Strasbourg Cathedral) Italia e Germania (painting)
Food/Drink in Germany Food and drink in Germany makes up a large part of their culture, as well as their everyday life. Growing up, the German culture was somewhat prevalent in my life. Some of my favorite meals consisted of shnitzel, spetzle, crepes, pretzels, and my personal favorite, reibekuchan. Reibekuchan is a potato pancake that is typically served with either applesauce or sour cream. Drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, also play a major role in everyday life for most. Beer is very popular, as well as different forms of wine. Many holidays show the importance of food in German culture. During Christmas, they have many markets covering the streets selling bratwursts, leibkuchen, and gluwhein. Another big celebration in Oktoberfest. Once a year, for about 2 weeks, people from all over the world come to celebrate. Beer consumption is at an all-time high during this week. Almost 72 million gallons were served during two weeks in 2013.
Reibkuchen Recipe 6 medium potatoes 2 eggs ⅓ cup flour ½ teaspoon of salt cooking oil