Contents: Mould Functions Mould Materials Mould Construction
Introduction The purposes of formwork construction is as a mould to fit any shape of specific structures (i.e. beams, column, slab, etc.) A variety of manufactured metal forms (steel and aluminum) are available in a range of sizes, along with assembly and bracing systems. (refer Figure 8.12, pg 141, Spence and Kultermann) Also, Plywood with wood or metal bracing is used for site-built forms. Other plywood made with waterproof glue also used. Solid lumber (special wood) and wafer board, molded plastic and waxed cardboards forms are also materials in concrete form construction.
Formwork Function Two types of mould in concrete Precast Concrete Mould Easy to dismantle Movable Recycle Cast-insitu Concrete Mould Not easy to move Can be recycled if can be used
Formwork Function (cont’d) Formwork Usage: Foundation construction, Beam, Slab, Staircases, Curves, etc. Formwork are used to form concrete with any shape of structures until concrete hardening (and can be stand alone) after placing. Formwork is a temporary construction and can be dismantle after concrete form.
Formwork Materials Formwork Materials: (1) Wood and Plywood (2) Metal forms - steel and aluminum (3) Fibre glass and fibre plastic
Formwork Materials (cont’d) (1) Wood and Plywood Widely usage – precast concrete and concrete cast in-situ. Easy to get and workability. Half dried soft wood is a good materials for the concrete formwork.
Formwork Materials (cont’d) (2) Metals form – steel and aluminum Limited usage With special skills and specific construction Precast unit usage Durability and can be recycled Steel plate – upper construction and roof construction for storeyed building
Formwork Materials (cont’d) (3) Fibre glass and fibre plastic Special usage Special design for structure construction
Concrete Formwork
Concrete Formwork Panel
Formwork Plates, Wing, Nut, Pins
Aluminium Formwork
Twin Plastic Formwork
Formwork Construction Quality – stable and strong, exact location, exact dimension, formwork dismantle facilities. Safety – to workers, structure and equipment, follow standard requirement and regular checking. Economic – low cost, easy to get, recycle products, construction methods, types of formwork and skills workers.
Formwork Construction Method Formwork construction - Rajah 11.2 – 11.7, m/s 276 – 280 – TBT. Fixed method for retaining wall formwork – Rajah 11.8 – 11.9, m/s 281- 282 – TBT. T-Column Leveling– Rajah 11.10, 11.11, dan 11.12 – m/s 283-285 – TBT. Slab Construction (fibre plastic formwork) – Rajah 11.13 – m/s 285 – TBT.
Formwork Construction Method (cont’d) Construction of Curve Retaining Wall Formwork – Rajah 11.14 – m/s 286 – TBT. Formwork dismantle – side formwork, bracing, and T-column.
Formwork Dismantle Period Bil. Formwork Part Period 1 Side of beam, column and retaining wall 2 – 6 days 2 Lower part of beam & slab (without imposed load) 7 – 14 days 3 Side board (with imposed load) Not less than 7 days 4 Lower board (with imposed load) 28 days (no load to be imposed before 28 days)
Safety Procedures (1) Use of formwork materials should follow standard requirement. (2) Stable formwork installation. (3) Formwork stability checking before concrete placement. (4) Close boundary area for formwork construction. (5) Formwork surface should be sprayed with oil, foam, and white paint (limestone). (6) Clean concrete placement area. (7) Signboard display.
Column Formwork
Formwork -Stair Props
Formwork -Stair Treads
Slab, Wall and Column Formwork
Self Climbing System Formwork
Permanent Formwork
Supervision Work – Steel and Formwork (beam) Checking
Formwork for Reinforcement Concrete Retaining Wall
Formwork for Ground Beam
Formwork for Beam
Formwork for Staircases
Formwork for Pilecap