Year 5 Welcome Meeting 5 Hockney 5 Gormley
Welcome – Introduction to staff SLT: Head teacher: Mrs Withe Deputy Head teacher: Mr Wyatt Phase Leader: Mrs Boulton Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo): Mrs Brazier
Year 5 Staff Teachers: Mrs Ogier (Gormley) Mrs Martin-Flaven and Mrs Rolph (Hockney) Mr Knott and Mrs Wake – PPA Learning Support Assistants: Miss Chalkley Mrs Dilly Govenor Link: Mr Chris Hailey
Our Expectations Uniform – long hair tied up, hair accessories in school colours, small stud earrings (PE), no nail polish. Behaviour – Behaviour Policy can be viewed on the school website. Manners Attendance Punctuality
Weekly Achievement Assembly Awards for: manners or kindness effort or achievement class attendance
The School Day 8:55am -Bell rings/Registration 9am -Register closes (children who arrive after this time will be marked as late) 9:05am -Session 1 10.25am Assembly 10:45-11am -Morning Break 11:00-12:00pm Session 2 12.00-1.00pm- Lunch Break Session 3 3:15pm- Home time
Working together Planner Sign weekly and each time you hear your child read. Can be used for messages to the teacher. Home Learning Maths, Spellings & Science set weekly Occasional tasks, usually topic related 30 minutes per activity Targets
Targets Maths – times tables related English targets - writing and reading Located in your child’s planner. How can you help your child meet their targets?
Language of Learning Lesson objective – What am I learning? Steps to success – How can I achieve the objective? Next steps – How can I improve? Engage children in self and peer assessment Feedback given which children can act on so as to improve.
Weekly Surgery For any queries or concerns relating to your child’s learning and wellbeing. Mrs Ogier and Mrs Martin-Flaven: Monday, 3.20-3.50pm Mrs Rolph: Thursday, 3.20-3.50pm 10 minute appointments to be requested through the school office
Equipment All clothing, including PE kit, must be clearly named. PE days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but please ensure that PE kit is in school every day. No kit = No PE The Daily Mile Children should have a named water bottle in school. Stationery items can be purchased from the school shop (Monday-Thursday).
Autumn Term Curriculum Curriculum letter being sent out this week which can also be accessed via the school website. Tuesday 23rd October – British Schools Museum
7 Habits and PSHE - JIGSAW Whole school approach and linked to assemblies
Thank you Please come and see any one of us if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to working with you and your child.