Welcome to Back to School Night 5th grade Mrs. Lanich Use ipad to show slideshow Show school website Show chromebooks Safety plan, fire, disaster plan in office or district website
PERSONAL PROPERTY – Do not bring it to school. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR STUDENTS' DAMAGED OR LOST PERSONAL PROPERTY. Toys, balls, music players, electronic devices, stuffed animals, party invitations, or any personal property are not to be brought to school, unless requested by the student's teacher. 1st offense = Confiscation and returned at end of day. 2nd Confiscation = Parent pick-up. 3rd Confiscation = Return last day of school.
Phones, pagers, and technology devices shall: 1. Be turned off and placed out of sight during the instructional time of the school day (class time, passing periods, and recess) and at any other time when directed by a District employee. 2. Not disrupt the educational program or school activity. If the device is used at an inappropriate time, it may be confiscated. If a school employee finds it necessary to confiscate a device, he/she will give the device to school administration so that the parent can be notified. A parent/guardian will be required to pick up the device from the school. A student who violates this policy may be restricted from possessing a personal electronic signaling device at school or school-related events. 3. The school takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of such devices.
Riverview School-widee Positive Behavior Support Program Anti-Bullying Program Second Step B.E.S.T. Building Effective Schools Together Positive Behavior Support – B.E.S.T. Right-On Rockets Tickets to reward positive behavior, clip chart, class dojo Riverview Rockets Are: Respectful, Responsible, Safe Recognition Assembly Behaviorist Support Systematic Supervision Training for all staff Social and Emotional support with district MFT’s and Social workers.
Don’t leave cars unattended in the yellow or red zones.
Pull up to within 18” of the curb
Pull forward to the yellow zone to drop off or pick up
For the saferty of the children Do not double park to pick up or drop off
Contact Information School Web Site: www.fcusd.org/rve Parent/Student Handbook available-online https://www.fcusd.org/domain/3157 Parent Rights and Responsibility-online Student Conduct Code-online Teacher email: VLanich@fcusd.org
Teacher Background B.S. Mechanical Engineering USC Engineer Hughes Aircraft Company Multiple Subject Credential Supplementary Math and Physical Science Credential National Board Certified Teacher VEXIQ certified instructor PLTW Lead Teacher 20+ years teaching experience
Riverview STEM Academy Riverview STEM Academy is a comprehensive K-5th grade school with a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math program designed for students to become problem solvers and critical thinkers. Using the engineering design process and the scientific method with a dynamic science curriculum, students will employ STEM knowledge, skills, and habits of mind, learning that it is OK to take risks and make mistakes.
Discipline Policy & Code of Conduct Rules Responsible Respectful Safe Respectful: Follow directions the first time. Use appropriate language. Keep hands, feet other objects to self. Responsible: communicate needs in a mature manner, turn in all work on time do your best Safe: Students use materials as instructed by the teacher, especially when using the VEX IQ robots Technology Use Agreement strictly enforced Student code of conduct p. 13-15 parent handbook on Riverview Website Consequences: time out recess, write statements, apology note, call home, parent conference, talk to principal.
What will students learn? California Common Core State Standards The standard in math and English language arts ensures that students are college and career ready. Next Generation Science Standards "rich in content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education."
Daily Schedule This schedule may be subject to change 8:25 Class business/silent reading 8:30 Math 9:40 Recess 10:00 STEM (M,W,F) /Social Studies (Tu,Th) 11:00 Learning Center(1st trimester only) /Reader’s/Writer’s workshop 12:20 Lunch, recess 1:00 P.E (everyday, Monday 8:30) 1:30 Reading/writing continued 11:10 Music (Mon, Fri) *Learning Center; Angela Strom; Students move in and out of learning center ; targeted learning
Science Curriculum ▪Riverview STEM Academy will use Project Lead The Way, known as PLTW as the primary STEM curriculum. PLTW is an innovative, project-based approach that fosters collaboration and builds critical thinking skills. ▪PLTW aligns to Common Core State Standards for Math and English Language Arts, Next Generation Science Standards, and other national and state standards.
STEM Project Lead the Way helping students develop the skills needed to succeed in the global economy Students apply what they know, identify a problem, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning Research/Evidence-Based: We follow Wiggins and McTighe’s approach, Understanding by Design® to develop a cohesive and coherent instructional path for students. Problem-Based: project-, problem-based experiences to prepare students to solve problems. This approach creates scaffolding for student learning and provides the rigor and relevance that engages and empowers our students. Aligned with Common Core State Standards in math and English Language Arts, Next Generation Science Standards, and other national and state standards
●Asking questions and defining problems ●Developing and using models Strengthen and develop students understanding of the nature of science and engineering by... ●Asking questions and defining problems ●Developing and using models ●Planning and carrying out investigations ●Analyzing and interpreting data ●Using mathematics and computational thinking ●Constructing explanations and designing solutions ●Engaging in argument from evidence ●Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Math Times tables and division must be memorized; benchmark 20 problems in one minute;See me if you need ways to help your child memorize the times tables. Math homework Monday-Thursday; homework is due the day after it is assigned; please correct the problems each night with your child; students should ask questions about homework the next day When we get to the end of the topic (chapter) this means a test is coming. (see book) There will be pop quizzes during the chapter to inform students about what they know and what they need to practice. Students and parents are encouraged to watch the videos online at Pearsonsuccessnet to find out how we are solving problems. Visual learning bridge ( website demonstration)
Homework Homework is recorded in a daily planner. Please provide your child with a planner. Math Monday-Thursday I recommend that parents correct the math for immediate feedback. Students should be ready to ask questions about the homework the following day. Students will read at least 20 minutes each day; complete a reading activity, record their reading on the reading log; take AR tests at school after reading a book Writing and science on occasion.
Grading Grading Policy assignments are weighted homework, classwork, quizzes, tests scores C- and below; corrections accepted to raise score to 75% maximum
Volunteers Needed 1. A yearbook parent in your classroom who could help with your class page photos, either collecting them from parents or taking them at field trips and in the classroom. If you’d rather do all of this yourself, that is up to you. It’s just usually better if a parent in the classroom helps. Label and organize books in the classroom library chaperones for Outdoor Science School Nov 6-9 Plan food, activities for class parties at Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day Share your career with the class (this can be done via the internet) File papers for Friday folders on Friday morning Take pictures for the yearbook Correct papers
Donations Due to a generous donation there will be no materials fee and part of the field trips will be covered. Scholastic News and Science Spin $7.14 Outdoor Science School $220 Challenger Learning Center $30 INTEL $10 Cost of all field trips subject to change depending on transportation costs.
Thanks for attending Back To School Night Before you go... Art and science materials donation Volunteers sign up Online parent survey on Mrs. Lanich’s website