Understanding Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration F&A Basics UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration What is F&A? Direct Cost: Any cost that can be specifically identified with a particular project, program, or activity or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily and with a high degree of accuracy. F&A Costs: Costs for common or joint objectives that cannot be readily identified with an individual project, program, or organizational activity. UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
F&A Costs are otherwise known as… Overhead Costs Indirect Costs Sub 9H – at UCLA only UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Types of F&A Bases UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) Base MTDC component is the base against which the federally negotiated rates are applied, and is derived by excluding certain costs from the Direct Cost total. MTDC exclusions include: Equipment Patient Care Alterations/Renovations Space Rental Tuition Remission/Fees For Non-UC subawards, any amount beyond the first $25,000 TC of each subaward. The total cost (TC) of subawards to other UC campuses UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Total Direct Cost (TDC) Base F&A calculated on the total of all direct costs of a project. There are no exclusions. Most non-federal F&A rates are based on Total Direct Cost (TDC), not MTDC. e.g. Pharm sponsored Clinical Trials (26% TDC), Non-profit Foundations, etc. UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
What is the “Current F&A Base Code”? How do I find it? Summary-By-Sub/Overhead Rate field COP/Approp & Financial tab AIS/OASIS – FS00 – Table AF (Account/CC-Fund Table) What do the letters mean (i.e. J, B, C)? Base & Object code Table for Indirect costs UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Current F&A Rates & Cost Returns UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA’s Current F&A Rates Research On-Campus - MTDC 54% - thru June 30, 2017 55% - 07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018 56% - 07/01/2018 – 06/30/2019 Research Off-Campus – 26% MTDC Instruction On-Campus – 37% MTDC Instruction Off-Campus – 26% MTDC Clinical Trials – 26% TDC Federal Teaching – 8% MTDC NIH Training (T’s & F’s) and Ks Grants Current F&A Rate Agreement – dated 05/03/2017 UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Annual Indirect Cost Return What is it? What is it based on? UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration F&A Reconciliation UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Why Does F&A Need to be Reconciled? Unbudgeted changes can occur: PI spent the $ on an item that is excluded from F&A, but was not originally budgeted. EXAMPLE: Unbudgeted equipment. See Scenario 1 PI did NOT spend the $ allocated to an excluded item, but rather, spent it on an item NOT excluded from F&A. Example: Budgeted equipment. See Scenario 2 F&A rate changed during the project period, but may not have been changed in the UCLA financial system. Use F&A Reconciliation Tool PI moved from on-campus to off-campus space, or vice-versa. Use F&A Reconciliation Tool Item was not correctly Object Coded in the UCLA financial system. Use F&A Reconciliation Tool UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Two F&A Tools Available 1) FPM/QDB F&A Reconciliation Tool This report is also run automatically in the Smart Closeout Tool/PAMS 2) 9H Reconciliation Adjustment note located at the bottom of the FPM/QDB Summary by Sub Report Run both reports frequently throughout the life of the award. Do NOT assume the reports are correct. Do some research to determine WHY before making any adjustments. UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Two Type of F&A Reconciliation: Appropriations & Expenditures Which Tool Do I Use? Use the Summary-By-Sub report* for the 9H reconciliation note located at the bottom of the report. Why does this happen? Actual expenditures differ from budget. Be sure to research and understand what happened prior to making adjustment How does it get adjusted/fixed? FM can prepare a TOF *Be sure to always enter the full FAU into QDB. Do not enter an “*” in the Account of Costcenter field. This will return incorrect results. Expenditures Which Tool Do I Use? Use the F&A Reconconliation report in QDB Why does this happen? Incorrect F&A Rate was charged to expenditures How does it get adjusted/fixed? EFM must prepare a journal entry adjustment. FM can request. UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Links from Today’s Class OCGA’s F&A Website http://www.research.ucla.edu/ocga/sr2/idcinfo.htm Base & Object Code Table for F&A https://www.finance.ucla.edu/corporate-accounting/base-object-code-table-for-indirect-costs FPM/QDB F&A Reconciliation Tool http://www.deans.medsch.ucla.edu/overhead2015/ Past F&A Rates http://ora.med.ucla.edu/workfiles/referencematerials/F-and-A-Cost-Rates.pdf Links from Today’s Class UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Revenue & Accounts Receivable UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Revenue Account & Accounts Receivable It is the Fund Manager’s responsibility to ensure that the total amount of the actual payments received from the sponsor match the amount budgeted and appropriated into the expense account. UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Payment Methods UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Understanding the Sponsor’s Payment Methods A few of the payment methods (check the Award Snapshot: Milestone Payment: Sponsor provides payments to UCLA based upon the completion of a milestone, as defined in the award document. Letter of Credit: Sponsor provides payment electronically via the US Treasury (e.g. NIH). UCLA is required to submit drawdown requests and periodic financial reports. UCLA Standard Invoice: Sponsor provides payments to UCLA based upon expenditures incurred. Sponsor does not have an invoice format specified, therefore, EFM uses the standard UCLA invoice template. Sponsor Invoice Template: Sponsor provides payment based upon a request from UCLA on the Sponsor’s form. Formats vary and are identified in the Sponsor’s terms. UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Clinical Trial Funds UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Clinical Trial Funds It is the Fund Manager’s responsibility to: Ensure that checks from the sponsor have been received an processed for all outstanding invoices/income earned. Ensure all revenue received has been transferred to the PI’s linked expense account (e.g. 4413xx). Ensure the income received actually belongs to the clinical trial in question. Clinical Trial CRU FAU: 116019-59995 UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Tracking Payments UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Tracking Payments Review the CRU funds Private: 116019-59995 State/Local Gov’t: 116026-20998 Federal: 116013-28997 If you still cannot find the check, do the following: Request a copy of the front & back of the paid check from the Sponsor. If paid electronically, request a screen shot from the sponsor’s payment system. Contact Robert Scott at EFM, and provide him with the following information: Sponsor name Check amount Check date UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Live Demonstration – Revenue Account & Accounts Receivable Revenue Account & Accounts Receivable Chapter Revenue Account List Payment Methods UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Payments in Foreign Funds UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Links from Today’s Class Payment Solutions & Compliance https://www.finance.ucla.edu/business-finance-services/payment-solutions-and-compliance Cash Handling Policy BUS-49 Human Subject Payments Research Participant Payment Petty Cash Funds Gift Cards Purchasing Forms https://www.purchasing.ucla.edu/purchasing/Purchasing-forms/forms-1 Contractor vs. Consultant FM Manual Chapter http://ora.med.ucla.edu/workfiles/postawardmanual/Contractors-Consultants.pdf Fiscal Close https://www.finance.ucla.edu/corporate-accounting/closing-schedule-for-fiscal-year-end Links from Today’s Class UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Fiscal Closing UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration Fiscal Closing Ledger clean-up Zero out subs to close funds Submit Closing Packets to EFM to close contract & grants NPEARs Unrestricted funds are limited to current fiscal year Contract & Grant funds are limited to current fiscal year, plus 2 previous fiscal years State funds Carryforward requests Indirect Cost Return balance should be < 10% of annual appropriation UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Links from Today’s Class Fiscal Close https://www.finance.ucla.edu/corporate-accounting/closing-schedule-for-fiscal-year-end Links from Today’s Class UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration
Survey Link http://goo.gl/forms/C3gdjsL5y1 We appreciate if you would take a few moments to complete a short 5 question survey to help us improve your training experience. Thank you! UCLA Department of Medicine Office of Research Administration