Research Abstract Moderator Training Script: Thank you for moderating a Scientific session at ACVIM Forum. Research Abstract Moderator Training ACVIM Staff
Objectives WHAT YOU WILL LEARN This on-demand training is about: Responsibilities of the Research Abstract Moderator Radios and how to use them Timers and how to use them Resources specifically for moderators The goal of this on-demand Research moderator training is to help you understand the responsibilities that are required of you. In addition, the training will give you tips and tricks on how to use the radio. And finally, it will point out the resources that are specific to research abstract sessions.
Responsibilities BEFORE SESSION Determine if the session is sponsored Check-in at Speaker Headquarters at least one hour prior to session Sign-out radio and talk with AV if necessary Arrive at session room early Familiarize yourself with room lighting Check microphone, laser pointer and timer Room layout cannot be changed Check with AV to make sure the speaker timer has been reset Check-in with speaker Explain how to use timer Before your session, please check the printed program or mobile app to determine if your session is sponsored. Also, you must check-in at the Speaker Headquarters and sign-out the two-way radio. We recommend you do this at least an hour before the session is to begin. When you sign-out your radio, ask one of the AV personnel to give you a quick tutorial on how it should be used. Please arrive at the session room at least 15 minutes early. You may have to wait in the hall until the room clears out but it’s better to be early than late in this situation. When the room is clear you can check the lighting, make sure the microphone, laser pointer and laptop are all working. Also, the speaker timer should be reset for your session by the AV team. If you find a problem in any of these areas, use the radio to contact AV; use channel 2. Wait until there is no conversation and then say what room name or number you are in and describe the problem is you are having. When done, release the talk button. An AV staff person will come to the room and fix the problem.
Responsibilities AS ATTENDEES ARRIVE Greet people as they enter the room Ask them to sit near the front Determine if there are more people than seats Radio AV immediately AV staff will direct attendees to overflow room As the attendees arrive, it is a best practice to greet them at the door if possible. Education research shows that the simple act of greeting attendees makes them feel at ease and increases participation. It also allows you to ask them to sit near the front of the room. If the room begins to fill and it looks as if there will be more people than seats, radio the AV staff immediately. The AV staff will direct the attendees to an overflow room where they will be able to hear the presentation.
Responsibilities BEGIN SESSION Thank session sponsors (if any) Ask attendees to turn cell phones to vibrate Facilitate Let the speaker know it is time to start Count attendees for entering in the session evaluation under the moderator section, available in mobile app Your opening sets the tone for the session. If the session is sponsored, please thank the sponsor. For example you could say something like “I would like to thank XYZ company for sponsoring this session.” Remind the attendees to turn their cell phones to vibrate and inform them when they can ask questions. Then tell the audience thanks for coming and now we’ll begin. Once the session has started, try to take a count of the attendees. This can be an estimate. The speakers will have the timer to keep them on track. The first 10 minutes of the talk will be informative and the last five minutes is for Q&A. You may want to have a question ready in case no one speaks up. Judging If you are a judge, make sure to use the score tracking sheet to help you complete the evaluations at a later time.
Responsibilities AFTER SESSION Thank session sponsors and speakers Remind attendees to complete session evaluations located in mobile app Tell attendees to check out the Solutions Center Complete the moderator evaluation (at end of the session evaluation) Return radio to Speaker Headquarters At the end of the session, make sure to thank any sponsors and the speakers. Remind the attendees to complete the session evaluations. The session evaluations are in the mobile app. On Thursday and Friday, you can recommend attendees to check out the Solutions Center (formerly known as the Exhibit Hall) You should then complete the moderator evaluation which is at the end of the session evaluation. When everything is over, return the radio to the Speaker Headquarters. If you are a session judge, you can access the evaluation form from the mobile app to enter scores.
Radio CHECKLIST Before your session, check-in at the Speaker Headquarters Sign out a radio Speak with AV staff for a quick tutorial (if necessary) Ensure radio is working properly You will hear a chirping sound when you turn on radio Use Channel 2 to reach AV Staff Remember to return radio to Speaker Headquarters At Speaker Headquarters, you are invited to step away from the hustle and bustle of the conference as well as fulfill your moderating duties. Upon the start of your duties, make sure to sign out a radio and understand how it is used.
Radios RADIO HINTS Channel Selector Knob Do not speak over other communications Keep volume low or turn off radio when not in use Be concise when communicating the issue and room location Channel Selector Knob Power on/off Volume Control Display Push-to-Talk As you can see from the illustration, using the radio is straightforward. You turn it on/off by moving the on/off button. Select channel 2 by using the channel selector know. If you need to talk, push the button; when you’re done talking, release the button. Radio Etiquette: Do not speak over someone else who is speaking. Wait until there is silence. Then quietly and clearly, let the AV staff know what room you are in and what issue you are having. Please make sure to turn off the radio when it is not being used.
Presenter View of Speaker Timer Total presentation time is 15 minutes (shaded in green) 10 minutes for talk 5 minutes for Q&A Unless otherwise noted, oral research abstract presentation time is 15 minutes. On the timer, the green button will light up and begin with 10 (for 10 minutes). When the yellow button lights, it means the speaker should wrap up and ask if the audience has any questions. When the red button lights up you are out of time and must leave the front of the room.
Speaker Timer AV is at all the RA rooms prior to start to help the moderators and the 1st few speakers to work the timer. If they’re not in the room, they should be in the hall. Call them if you can’t find them. They will make sure to reset the timer for15 minutes. (Green = 10 minutes, yellow = 5 minutes and red signals the end of the session. Tell the speaker to press the Start button to begin the timer.
Resources MOBILE APP 1. From the mobile app home screen, scroll down. 1. The Moderator Information screen will appear. 2. Scroll down until you see the screen to the left 2. Click the Moderator button. ACVIM staff has created many resources to help with your moderating experience. You can find the resources on the mobile app by scrolling until you see the Moderator tab. Click the button and the Moderator Information screen will appear. Scroll until you see – the Research Abstract Moderator Information. From here you can open moderator schedule, moderator instructions and more.
Resources WEB PAGE If you don’t want to use the mobile app, the same helpful documents can be found on the ACVIM Forum website. You will find the information under the ACVIM Forum/Speak/Moderator Information path under the Scientific Moderator Information. Bookmark the page on the website with the url below.
Questions? If you have more questions, stop in the Speaker Headquarter room and speak with Ivy Leventhal. If you have additional questions, stop in the Speaker Headquarters and speak with Ivy or Sherri. And remember, the Speaker Headquarters is for you too. You can stop by for a refreshment, to relax or to talk with Ivy.
Sherri Griffin ACVIM Sherri Ivy Leventhal