Research participation program Department of Organizational Studies Anderson School of Management Department of Organizational Studies Anderson School of Management
What is the Research Participation Program? It’s an opportunity for students: To participate in scientific studies in the field of Organizational Behavior To contribute to the creation of new knowledge in the field
Why Should I Participate? Organizational Behavior is a science that seeks to understand human behavior in organizational settings Participating in the RPP students will experience first hand the research process gain a better understanding of course material
Why Should I Participate? Contribute to the creation of new knowledge! Data collected through this program have formed the basis for multiple published academic articles This new knowledge is then applied to the workplace contributing to improved work environments
Why Should I Participate? Contribute to the creation of new knowledge! Data collected through this program have formed the basis for multiple published academic articles This new knowledge is then applied to the workplace contributing to improved work environments
Will I Get Credit for Participating? Yes! The completion of TWO Research Participation credits will account for 5% of your grade.
Great! How Do I Earn Credit? In Two Ways: By participating in research studies By writing summaries of published research articles * * see detailed instructions in the LEARN site for this class
Great! How Do I Earn Credit? The 2 credits can be earned through any combination of participating in research studies or writing articles summaries 1 Lab Study + 1 Lab Study 1 Lab Study + 1 Article Summary 1 Article Summary + 1 Article Summary 2 RPP Credits
Great! How Do I Earn Credit? You must complete TWO Research Participation credits to earn 5% of your course grade NO PARTIAL CREDIT IS GIVEN for earning less then 2 full credits!
How Long Are the Studies? Half-hour studies = ½ credit One-hour studies = 1 credit NO PARTIAL CREDIT IS GIVEN for earning less then 2 full credits!
How Is My Privacy Protected? You will be issued a Research Participation number or RPP# The RPP# is randomly assigned You will need this number to participate!
You will need this number to participate! You will be given a small card and a sticker with this number
How Do I Sign Up for Studies? You will use SONA Systems – a web site that manages the Research Participation Program
How Do I Sign Up for Studies? You will receive and email to your UNM email account with your login information and a link to SONA Systems sAAAAAA sAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Complete PRESCREEN Survey First! After logging in to SONA Systems for the first time, use your RPP# to complete a PRESCREEN Survey After approximately 24 hours following the completion of the Prescreen Survey you will be able to sign up for studies
What Is Involved with Participating in a Study? Many of our studies involve answering questions or completing tasks as mediated by a computer program Some studies may be completely online Many studies will require you to come to the Anderson Behavioral Lab
What Happens on the Day of my Scheduled Study? The lab is located on the second floor of ASM east wing Arrive at least 5 minutes early Wait in the lobby outside ASM 2141
What Happens on the Day of my Scheduled Study? Wait in the lobby outside ASM 2141 A research assistant in a lab coat will arrive to show you to the lab
What Happens on the Day of my Scheduled Study? Research assistant will give you instructions You will need to consent to the research by signing a consent form
Check Your Credits in SONA Systems Approximately after 24 hours of completing the study, your credit will appear in your account in SONA Systems
How Do I Cancel an Appointment? Use SONA Systems to cancel or change an appointment 24 hours or greater in advance NO PENALTY for cancelling at 24 hours before your scheduled appointment
Is There a Penalty for Missing an Appointment?
Is There a Penalty for Missing an Appointment? Before instituting this policy, about 40% of participants missed their scheduled sessions. Now only about 5% miss their session.
What If I Have an Emergency?
When Is the Deadline for Completing the RPP Requirements? Research Participation requirements must be fulfilled by 5 PM On the last day of classes (Friday before finals’ week)
Sign Up for Studies Early!!! Don’t wait for the end of the semester! We may not have enough studies We may not have enough timeslots You may need to write an article summary
Contact Us! Contact us with questions or concern: We are here to assist you!
Thank You for Your Time Today! We are looking forward to having you as a participant in the lab and for you to experience the research process first hand! Thank you!