Connecting the Dots to Learn a Lot 2018-2019 Connecting the Dots to Learn a Lot Mrs. Benedek Room 801
Mrs. Benedek Conference time: 10:15-11:00 Phone Number: 832-736-6600
PBIS – Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports 1. Be Safe 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Respectful
CLASS DOJO Students are praised for displaying appropriate behaviors: Safe Responsible Respectful Undesirable behaviors are documented (Neutral) Minor Non-Disruptive *Minor Disruptive Off task *Talking Out of area *Shouting out Escalated (Parent will be notified) *Crisis (Parent will be notified) Yelling *Physical aggression Leaving classroom *Throwing objects at others
GOAL–Safe, Respectful, Responsible At Cockrell our staff has been trained in the PBIS model. PBIS utilizes a positive approach to behavior and provides students with feedback in their areas of need. The idea is to treat behavior just as we would any other subject that is being taught with our focus being on the positive. In a typical classroom you will see teachers greeting students as they walk into their classroom and praising students throughout the day for following our 3 school rules of being SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL. When a child exhibits an undesirable behavior the teacher will use this time to correct and teach the appropriate behavior providing feedback along the way so the child knows they are on the right track.
To teach students our expectations To give students positive feedback on their behavior To instructionally correct misbehavior For our parents to utilize the PBIS language at home (Safe, Responsible, Respectful) )
Mrs. Benedek’s Class Lunchtime 11:45-12:15 *Parents eating lunch with their children will sit at their student’s assigned lunch table. *Parents may begin eating with their child on Tuesday, September 5th.
11:45-12:15 *Parents may provide cupcakes or cookies for birthdays Cakes, or anything that requires a plate, juice, balloons, flowers… are not allowed *Please consult with your child’s teacher about any food allergies in the classroom
All students should have a transportation tag on their backpack every day. Please do not remove this tag unless there is a permanent change.
Dismissal changes must be made by 2pm. *CAR RIDERS: Display card with child’s name for the caller, please do not pass cars in line, parents may not walk up to the front and get a child from the car rider line *Please arrive by 3:30; after 3:35 parents will need to park, come in to the school, present an ID and sign student out. Dismissal changes must be made by 2pm.
Rainy day dismissal will be called at 2:45 During heavy rains or lightening, car riders will remain in the hallways and will be called from there. Walkers: during heavy rains with any visible lightening or audible thunder, all walkers will become car-riders. These students will be moved to the front of the school with the car riders. If it is sprinkling or just a normal rain shower, students will be allowed to walk home as usual. On any rainy day, walker parents may call the school at 2:45 to change transportation or check to see if we are allowing walkers to walk as normal.
Kindergarten Teachers will assign non-numeric grades to help students and parents understand the child’s progression toward mastery of the TEKS that are expected. The following symbols are used to indicate a student’s progress: AI – Applies Independently SD – Steadily Developing NS – Needs Support
● S – Satisfactory progress ● N – Needs improvement Grades shall also be assigned for Work Habits, Conduct and PE-Music-Art- ESL (if appropriate). Grades in these subjects shall use the following qualitative scale: ● E – Excellent ● S – Satisfactory progress ● N – Needs improvement ● U – Unsatisfactory progress Grades will be reported at the end of each grading period. (Every 9 weeks) Kindergarten students to not get a progress report the first time around
Reading Homework: Students will read daily Monday through Thursday Reading Homework: Students will read daily Monday through Thursday. Reading homework will need to be signed and returned on Fridays to receive a new book on Monday. Writing Journal: Please allow students to sound out their words as best as they can. Writing journals need to be returned on Fridays as well. Student of the Week will begin in October.
*Attendance is very important in your child’s learning. School hours are 8am-3:15pm *Students may begin arriving at 7:15am. The traffic is much lighter from 7:15am—7:35 am. Students arriving after 8:00am will be counted tardy. *Students are expected to be attendance 90 percent of the instructional time.
*Late arrivals and leaving early count in the 90 percent%as missed part of days. *Tardies are recorded and students with more than 3 tardies in a nine week period will not be eligible for perfect attendance awards. *If your child is absent please send a note the day they return to school and state the reason for their absence. An email is no longer accepted. *Students must be fever free for 24 hours to return to school, Parents, Volunteer *Spring Background Check – must be filled out Pearland ISD website, must be updated every year If you plan on being a chaperone please complete a background check online., Parents, Volunteer
2018 State Accountability Pearland ISD received a grade of 94 which was the third highest score among districts with over 10,000 students in Texas. TEA Commissioner Mike Morath stated that Pearland ISD was a model of excellence for the state. Detailed information can be found at
What does an “A” in overall performance mean? Districts earn an A (90–100) for exemplary performance when they serve most students well, encouraging high academic achievement and/or appropriate academic growth for almost all students. Most students will be prepared for eventual success in college, a career, or the military.
Campus Accountability Campuses did not receive an A-F rating for this first year of the new accountability system Campuses either received Met Standard, Met Alternate Standard, or Improvement Required ratings Cockrell Met Standard in all areas Next year, campuses will receive an A-F rating
Committing to Your Child’s Education Cockrell is designated as a Title 1 school that receives federal funds for classroom support. Title I School-Parent Compacts School-parent compacts are agreements developed between parents and school staff to help children achieve to high standards. The compacts recognize that families and schools need to work together toward mutual goals and that they share responsibilities for each student's performance.
Daily Folders: Return daily and remove all papers inside *Letters and Sounds *Sight Words *Shoe Tying *Clothes in Backpack
Snack Please send a Healthy snack daily: *goldfish *fruit snacks *crackers *granola bar *fruit *dry cereal *popcorn *pretzels (nothing that requires a spoon and needs to be something the student can open) *Water bottle only
Parent Conferences Parent Conferences will be scheduled after all assessments have been completed.
Thank You Thank you so much for coming! If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.