Science - Year 3/4A Spring 1 Living Things and their Habitats A World of Living Things Session 3 Task PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
Your job is to make a page with a turning wheel that shows different types of invertebrates. There is a white cardboard wheel behind this page. You move the wheel round with your finger here The wheel is held in place by a split pin so it can spin round Your cardboard page has 2 windows in it where your reader can find out about groups of invertebrates
The wheel underneath was made from a circle like this The wheel underneath was made from a circle like this. There are 5 invertebrate groups written on it. Insect Arachnid Annelid Mollusc Crustacean Cut out the wheel carefully from your resource card and then cut away all the little black triangles around the outside. This will give your wheel notches so that it is easier to turn. When you have done that it should look like this
Your folded cardboard page should have 2 windows cut out of it, a small dot in the middle and a curved slice, cut away on the right. The dotted line shows the fold. Use a sharp pencil to make a small hole where the dot is (it is easier to do this if you put a lump of plasticine or sticky tack behind it). Make another small hole where the dot is at the centre of the wheel. Next gently push your split pin through the hole in the page and then through the hole in the wheel. Open the pins and carefully bend them flat against the back of the wheel. Gently turn the wheel by pushing the slots downwards with your finger. Your page is now ready to add information and decorate.
Write a title neatly across the top Write a title neatly across the top. Begin in pencil to make sure the layout and spelling are correct, then make your lettering bold and colourful with crayons or felt tips. Next, turn the wheel to line up the name of a group of invertebrates in the top window. Make a drawing of an example of that group in one of the two windows. You could draw one of the creatures you found from real life. Try to make it detailed and accurate. If you have space, you could also write some information on that group. Turn the wheel to the next section and repeat. There are 5 sections altogether.
Finally spend some time decorating the rest of the Amazing Invertebrates page. Stick on the instruction label from your resource sheet to tell people what to do. You could write some interesting facts about invertebrates in some of the fact boxes and draw some more invertebrates to illustrate the page as well. You could even include a photo of you and your friends on the bug hunt or a photo of the creatures you found.