BIO 211 Chapter 26 Beth Wyatt
ENZYMES Definition Chemical Structure: Proteins Whole Organic Catalysts Insurance that Chemical Reactions in Organisms Will Occur Organized into 2 Groups Intracellular: Most Extracellular: Digestive Enzymes Chemical Structure: Proteins Whole Partial (Nonprotein Portion Attached) Ex: Vitamin, Electrolyte
PROPERTIES Specific in Action: Lock and Key (Enzyme/Substrate) Function Optimally at Specific pH Ex: Pepsin If pH Changes 1) Enzyme Becomes Less Active (Inhibited) 2) Enzyme Becomes Inactive (Inactivated) *Enzyme Becomes Denatured Inactivated/Inhibited by Various Agents Physical: Heat, pH Chemical: Drugs
DIGESTIVE ENZYMES (NAMES)* Enzymes that Digest Carbohydrates: Amylase, Sucrase, Lactase, Maltase Enzymes That Digest Proteins: Proteases: Pepsin, Trypsin, Peptidases Enzymes That Digest Fats: Lipase *Names Usually End in “Ase” *Enzyme’s Name = Substrate’s Name + “Ase”
SUMMARY: FUNCTIONS OF HORMONES and the EG REFLEX GIP & Enterogastric Reflex: Inhibits Gastric Motility Inhibits Secretion of Gastric Juice Gastrin: Stimulates the Secretion of GJ
CCK & Secretin: Inhibits Secretion of GJ Stimulates Secretion of Pancreatic Juice (CCK: Enzyme,Secretin:Bicarb) Stimulates Ejection of Bile from GB CCK: Stimulates Intestinal Motility VIP: Stimulates Secretion of Intestinal Juice