Breaking Down Math Barriers to Graduation: A College-Wide Approach Deb Gaitan: VP Student Success Eddie Bishop: Developmental Math Coordinator Anna Harwin: Math Instructor
And thus could not graduate. Misconception: Math is College Algebra Seventy Percent of Students Never Became Core Math Complete And thus could not graduate.
College Level ≠ College Algebra Success College Math Ready? 18% of FTIC Pre-algebra 32% of FTIC Intro Algebra 22% of FTIC Algebra 1 16% of FTIC Algebra 2 College Level 12% Fall 2013 Placement DE Math 40% College Level 60% This is 5 times the previous proportion who were considered College Math Ready Present Placement College Level ≠ College Algebra Success
We fixed the problem!
Expectation of Core Math Completion By Course
The Distribution Changed… More than doubling our (two year) core math completion rate (from 29%-%)
3-Year FTIC Graduation Rates This is a factor of more than 2.7 times the starting rate!!! FA07-FA12 Source: Z:\Projects\Graduation\Equity (Data Sent to Team)\3 Year Graduation Rates by Demographics (711)_Comparisons FA13 Source: Z:\Projects\Graduation Rates by Institution\Data Output\20131\'20131' NVC Grad Rates By Institute and Demographic 08FEB2017
Inculcating the culture for sustainability “It takes a personal understanding of what is at risk.” (with math placement) Debi Gaitan Northwest Vista College Vice President for Student Success
Thank you! Deb Gaitan: VP Student Success Eddie Bishop: Developmental Math Coordinator Anna Harwin: Math Instructor
How many advisements does it take? (some students are advised 7 times)
Core Completers
Math Advisement When and by whom STEMB Classic College Algebra +RSG Core short path Intermediate algebra DM classes New Student orientation End of term First week First term Change of major Change transfer Pre enrollment First year experience course Math Faculty Student Success advisors Math Advocacy Center All faculty disciplines (meta/ institutes)