Professor Toni Downes – DVC (Academic) 2018 ACADEMIC PROMOTION SUPERVISOR INFORMATION SESSION Professor Toni Downes – DVC (Academic)
Session Objectives Academic promotion performance Academic promotion process Key changes to Policy, Procedure and Guidelines Roles & responsibilities of Supervisors The CSU Academic Key dates
Performance Insights Work Function 2015-2017 Significant in applications from Teaching Focused (2015, 0 – 2017, 8) Success rate for Teaching Focused and Research Only 100% Teaching and Research slightly (3%) Teaching Professional , however applicant numbers (5, 2015-1, 2017) Domain 2015-2017 Success rate for Promoting Learning consistently above 80% Influencing UPC 47.5% Creating Knowledge 5% In 2017 Conversion of EOI to Application 10% (2015-2017) Committees noted improved quality of applications 82% applicants successful ( 17% since 2015)
Purpose Overview of Academic Promotion To recognise the achievements and professional development of academic staff To provide academic staff with the opportunity to demonstrate their capacity to contribute to CSU’s mission by performing / leading at a higher level than their current appointment
Eligibility Eligibility Completed Probation Satisfactory EDRS report Didn’t apply for promotion previous year Committee invitation to reapply in 12 months Meet qualification standards / demonstrate equivalence Demonstrate you meet the level required for promotion Adhere to academic promotion timeframes Academic promotion is available to fixed-term or continuing academics (full or part time) at level A, B, C or D.
Statement of case for promotion Applicant’s should focus on their achievements and the impact of their work since their date of last promotion or appointment to their current academic level. The curriculum vitae demonstrates overall career trajectory.
Statement of case for promotion An Applicant must demonstrate consistent performance at the promotion level sought establish a case for promotion AND provide the supporting evidence understand what constitutes excellent performance in their discipline and in building the case for promotion provide context to their achievements An applicant must assume no member of an Academic Staff Promotion Committee will be familiar with their work and issues of discipline norms*. Therefore, ALL INFORMATION in their application must be contextualised. *(eg publication venues, quality measures, teaching approaches and measures, research outputs and service / engagement expectations and standards).
Key Changes in 2018 Application Form Provision for inclusion of teaching qualifications Update of EEO text Provision for attachment of teaching peer review 2018 research outputs to be provided & verified by supervisor Referees Applicant referee recommendation form (new) All procedural clauses pertaining to referees are now consolidated under Part B of the Procedure Minimum 2 referee reports required for an application to be considered complete Selection responsibility of the Primary supervisor
Key Changes in 2018 continued Applicant feedback Supervisors are now solely responsible for the provision of feedback to successful applicants to Levels B and C. Provision of feedback to unsuccessful applicants remains unchanged. Committee membership Eligibility of academic staff nominated under Clauses 76(e) and (83(e) will be verified and confirmed on 31 August. Extended research expertise on faculty committees CSU Evidence Guide updated EEO - updated resources
Minimum Standards for Academic level sought Minimum Standards of Academic Performance and Leadership Level A Work with the support and guidance from more senior academic staff and is expected to develop academic expertise with an increasing degree of autonomy; normally contribute to academic activities at the University, at a level appropriate to the skills and experience of the staff member; engage in academic activity appropriate to profession or discipline, whilst gaining increased autonomy, and undertake administration primarily relating to activities at the University; contribution to teaching primarily at undergraduate and graduate diploma level. Level B Undertake independent academic activity in a discipline or related area; in academic activity make an independent contribution through professional practice and expertise and coordinate and/or lead the activities of other staff, as appropriate to the discipline; normally contribute to teaching at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate level; engage in independent academic activities appropriate to profession or discipline with increasing independence and initiative; normally undertake administration primarily relating to activities at the University and may be required to perform the full academic responsibilities of and related administration for the coordination of an award program of the University. Level C In academic activities make original contributions, which expand knowledge or practice in the discipline; normally make a significant contribution to academic activities of an organisational unit or an interdisciplinary area at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate level; normally have responsibility for, and play a major role or provide a significant degree of leadership in academic activities relevant to the profession, discipline and/or community; and may be required to perform the full academic responsibilities of and related administration for the coordination of a large award program or a number of smaller award programs of the University or functional unit such as a research team in a priority area, a significant research facility or a teaching facility. Level D Undertake independent academic activity in discipline or related area; in academic activity make an independent contribution through professional practice and expertise and coordinate and/or lead the activities of other staff, as appropriate to the discipline; normally contribute to teaching at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate level; engage in independent academic activities appropriate to profession or discipline with increasing independence and initiative; normally undertake administration primarily relating to activities at the University; and may be required to perform the full academic responsibilities of and related administration for the coordination of an award program of the University. Level E Provide strong leadership and foster excellence in their academic discipline within the University and within the community, professional, commercial or industrial sectors; make original, innovative and distinguished contributions to scholarship, researching and teaching in the discipline; make a commensurate contribution to the work of the University; expected to be able to evidence a contribution to the inclusive development of staff as agreed with the individual's line manager. Minimum Standards of Academic Reputation and Leadership Level A Capacity to undertake, under supervision, teaching and/or research / creative works and/or professional activity; and the capacity to work as part of a team of academic staff Level B Record of research / creative works or professional activity relevant to the discipline area, which demonstrates a capacity to make an autonomous contribution Level C Record of significant achievement and outputs relevant to the discipline area, and with recognition of impact external to the institution Level D Record of academic achievement and outputs of national and/or international standing through outstanding contributions, including academic leadership Level E Record of academic achievement and outputs of national and international standing through distinguished contributions, including academic leadership recognition as an eminent authority in the discipline, including academic leadership. Qualifications and/or Equivalent Status Level A An honours degree or higher qualification; an extended professional degree; a postgraduate diploma appropriate to the relevant discipline area; or equivalent accreditation and standing Level B A doctoral or research masters qualification appropriate to the relevant discipline area or equivalent accreditation and standing Level C A doctoral qualification relevant to the discipline area; or equivalent accreditation and standing Level D A doctoral qualification relevant to the discipline area; or equivalent accreditation and standing Level E Now fully listed in Procedures Document Eligibility
EEO Academic staff have a range of responsibilities and/or circumstances outside of work that can impact upon their achievements. Achievement relative to opportunity is a framework in which there is a positive acknowledgement of what a staff member has achieved given the opportunities available to them. gives more weight to the overall quality and impact of achievements rather than the quantity, rate or breadth of achievements. Applications for promotion must be considered on the basis of merit, unbiased by personal opinion or prejudice. Merit is considered on the basis of achievement relative to opportunity.
EEO - Things to consider? Long Career Breaks Long career breaks due to caring responsibilities, illness or other reasons have effects that are multifaceted and can extend beyond the period of leave taken. Breaks typically reduce opportunities for collaboration and student supervision and delay publication and grant success beyond the return to work date. Ongoing Caring Responsibilities Ongoing caring responsibilities of children or other dependents can impact future academic achievement and may result in reduced research output, restricted opportunity to present at conferences. Further information visit: Contact Manager Diversity and Equity, Craig Hinley Email:
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Supervisor’s Role & Responsibilities New supervisor (not familiar with the academic’s work) Multiple supervisors > Primary Supervisor
Supervisor’s Role and Responsibilities If you have any concerns about an applicant’s eligibility / readiness for promotion the quality of an application for promotion OR You are not familiar with the applicant and their work (new supervisors) . . . . . Discuss with your supervisor ASAP
Referees Referee reports required for all academic promotion applications. The University will seek three written referee reports for each applicant, with a minimum of two required for an application to be considered completed. Selected Referees Must meet the eligibility criteria ( Procedure, Clauses 42 & 43) Should be familiar with the applicant’s academic and professional work and able to provide an objective, independent, clear and authoritative assessment of that work and the quality of the performance of the applicant. Be able to attest the quality, impact and standing of the achievements and associated evidence stated within the application.
Referees Referees should be chosen To reflect local, national and/or global standing For professional expertise and standing within their discipline, industry or in government That hold an appointment higher than the level to which the applicant is seeking promotion (exception of Level E) That are appropriate for the academic level being sought Referees cannot be members of the Academic Staff Promotion Committee, the Applicant’s Executive Dean or other senior member of the University. Former Staff of CSU having left the University’s employment in the previous five years are NOT deemed to be external for the purpose of Academic Promotion. While expectations for Level C, D and E promotions are external referees – in some cases internal referees make sense. e.g. institutional leadership but all referees cannot be internal
Referees In selecting referees you must Discuss with the applicant potential referees, clearly articulating why and how referees will be chosen Identify three referees for each applicant, being cognizant of the weighting within the application evidence portfolios when making your final selection Contact referees to confirm their agreement/availability to assess an application and provide a report within the required timeline Submit referee nomination form to by the 31 July Keep the names of your final referee selection confidential The applicant may recommend to you the names of up to four people who they do not wish to assess their application and reasons why.
Supervisor Statement A supervisor is required to comment on Percentages assigned to domains Evidence provided in each of the domains Meeting of standards for academic levels sought EDRS outcome / probation status Disciplinary context / expected qualifications or equivalents Other relevant information
Teaching and Professional Activity x Work function Teaching and Research Teaching focused Research only Teaching and Professional Work function, Workload, and Argument for Promotion/Percentages Impact Domains for promotion Influencing university, profession, community Promoting learning Creating knowledge ALIGNMENT Where have I had most impact 60/30/10 80/20 100 assign percentages using multiples of ten and with a minimum percentage of ten in any one category
Evidencing Claims for Promotion Achievements must not be cited more than once AND all claims and assertions must be supported by suitable evidence Applicant’s Responsibility To demonstrate the efficacy of their application, applicants must provide to their supervisor sufficient evidence (documentary or otherwise) to support their claims. Supervisor’s Responsibility An applicant’s supervisor is responsible for verifying the claims made by an applicant within their application for promotion.
Verifying Applicant Claims (Evidence) Verification Methods Sighting of all relevant documents including emails, letters etc. which support applicant’s claims Verbal confirmation from key stakeholders, e.g. Committee chair First-hand knowledge of the applicant’s achievements and impact (with evidence – to ensure transparency (can’t solely rely on this one!) Gap in Supporting Evidence What do we want you to do? Option 1: discuss with applicant to rework that section of the application and send back to you for review Option 2: Select “No” and provide commentary on the gap in evidence in free text box “any other relevant comments”
Employee Development and Review To be eligible for promotion, an applicant is required to have a satisfactory Employee Development and Review report from their supervisor (e.g. HOS, Director etc.) The supervisor statement requires supporting information which confirms the date of the applicant’s most recent EDRS and the outcome 24
Disciplinary Statement x Is not a reference x Is not designed to provide advocacy RATHER It is contextual information specific to the discipline which will assist the panel in assessing the application Note: Project underway to develop broad statements for each discipline. Supervisors will be contacted over the coming weeks. Priority will be given to those supervisors of academic staff who have indicated an intent to apply for promotion in 2018. 25
Making a Recommendation The supervisor is required to make a recommendation of support regarding the applicant’s application for promotion; Yes/Borderline/No Where the supervisor supports the applicant but not the application this should be noted in the supervisor’s commentary. Note 1 - If the supervisor does not support the application for promotion the applicant retains the right to submit their application for consideration by the academic staff promotion committee Note 2 - Supervisors need to adhere to the words limits within the form 26
Supplementary Information The supervisor is responsible for providing to the committee supplementary information received after the close of applications AND which is relevant to the applicant’s application for promotion. Examples of supplementary information: Notification of acceptance of journal article for publication Confirmation of successful grant application Recipient of an Award Supplementary information should be forwarded to for circulation to committee members 27
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Evidence Portfolios Promoting learning Influencing university, profession, community Creating knowledge
Scope of activity and amount of evidence in each domain might vary according to the applicant’s exact position description, industry experience or stage of career. Hypothetical variation in scope of activity
sources of evidence change across levels of academic progression sources of evidence change across levels of academic progression increasing focus on peer review and external recognition of teaching-related activities and research standing
sphere of influence
Scope of academic activity Personal & professional development Student engagement & learning Application & integration of scholarship Design & development Discovery & extension of new knowledge Leadership & collaboration
Note about Leadership & Collaboration Leadership can be evidenced in any or all of the domains. For example: Course Directors might provide leadership evidence under Promoting Learning not Influencing University Teaching Professionals might provide leadership evidence under Influencing University not Promoting Learning
Academic progression for promoting learning
Academic progression for influencing university, profession and community
Academic progression for creating knowledge
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2018 Academic Promotion – Key Dates 30 May Last date to request teaching data from DSL 31 July Supervisor emails referees to Applicant submits Application to Supervisor/s 24 August Supervisor/s return application to applicant 5 pm, 31 August Applications close: Email application to Confirmation of AP Committee membership Late October/Early November Faculty & Professorial Promotion Committees meet Applicants advised of outcome November Successful applicants announced Early December Applicant feedback completed Effective Date of Promotion New titles and salary increases take effect from the first pay period commencing on or after the formal notification in writing to the applicant of the successful outcome.
Policy documents, CSU Academic Resources Policy documents, CSU Academic Latest News Forms Session recordings Other resources Key dates Historical Data Academic Promotion Webpages:
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