TravelWatch SouthWest General Meeting Taunton, 6th October 2018 Shaping the Future: TravelWatch SouthWest’s consultation responses Christopher Irwin TravelWatch SouthWest General Meeting Taunton, 6th October 2018
The consultations Great Western franchise (November 2017) Cross-Country franchise (June 2018) Bus Market Inquiry (July 2018).
GW: The messages What we said: Sufficient frequency and capacity when people wish to travel Reduce congestion and combustion emissions Facilitate cross-modal connectivity
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Provide services when people want to travel Reduce pollutants from older diesel trains in particular Easy as possible modal interchange Sufficient frequency and capacity when people wish to travel Reduce congestion and combustion emissions Facilitate cross-modal connectivity
GW: The messages What we said: Address the drivers of passenger satisfaction; Performance Information Value for money Don’t split the franchise
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Restore performance to acceptable levels with contractual requirement for improvement plans No franchise split at this time Address the drivers of passenger satisfaction; Performance Information Value for money Don’t split the franchise
GW: The messages What we said: Keep the through Brighton service in the franchise New routes incl. SWI-SOA-SOU BRI-OXF-MKC/CBG PAD-SAV
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Will reconsider case for split if material passenger benefits Assessing case with Network Rail for specifying enhancements Keep the through Brighton service in the franchise New routes including SWI-SOA-SOU BRI-OXF-MKC/CBG PAD-SAV
GW: The messages What we said: Wholesale cuts to intermediate stops threatens viability and connectivity
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Reduced journey times not a top passenger priority. Wholesale cuts to intermediate stops may threaten route viability and connectivity B&H service pattern review to accelerate some journeys whilst improving service to intermediate stations
GW: The messages What we said: Rolling stock should comfortably meet demand and be fit for purpose The role of internal combustion engines needs rethinking
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Older stock will be reappraised and case for alternative solutions developed Alternatives to conventional diesels will be appraised Rolling stock should comfortably meet demand and be fit for purpose The role of internal combustion engines needs rethinking
GW: The messages What we said: Accessibility improvements should prioritise the busiest interchanges Better modal coordination, especially at hubs
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Considering how to ensure future station investment targeted at priorities Coordinated timetabling, physical works, information, ticketing, etc Accessibility improvements should prioritise the busiest interchanges Better modal coordination, especially at hubs
GW: The messages What we said: Develop fares that address changing work-patterns, address specific fares’ anomalies, etc Must work with CRPs and consumer bodies
GW: The messages What we said: What they then said: Develop products for part-time commuters and new ticketing technologies; address identified anomalies. Specify funding for CRPs and other community initiatives Develop fares that address changing work-patterns, address specific fares’ anomalies, etc Must work with CRPs and consumer bodies
XC: The messages The Vision XC – a network of fast, non-London, Inter-City services providing inter-regional connectivity Reflect reality of changing journey demand Address potential of both the business and the leisure markets with appropriate facilities for all Higher frequency, faster, on Heart of England core NB: Not a safety-net for poor local service provision!
XC: The messages Delivery 7-day railway; need for diversionary capacity Develop new markets (e.g. SWI-BHM; airports) Next generation rolling stock: HS2 compatible, weather-proofed, designed for users’ needs TOCs/NR collaborate in timetable planning, x-platform connections, platform assistance, etc Franchise-specific tickets on common route sections eliminated; revise APOD reservations Plan franchise specification with that for GW
XC: DfT thinking The Signs Need to address over-crowding issue on core Redefine XC network; diversion of resources to core whilst retaining all destinations Address the local service safety-net problem Consider additional routes Integrated timetable planning (eg SW of BRI) APOD to be reviewed
The Keith Williams review ‘Root & branch’ review including: Franchising system Wheel & Rail interface Accountability and value for money Regional partnerships Lessons from the South West: Collaboration to deliver a common vision Delivery of enhancements Nurturing innovation (escaping the silos) ‘Putting passengers first’ – slogan or commitment?
Commons Select Committee Bus market inquiry: driven by bus patronage fall, with focus on: bus service reliability how services are run in metro-mayor, metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas how they are financed examples of innovation and best practice
TWSW submission Delivery should be left to local operators and authorities who should share expertise Buses suffer from ‘market failure’: wider social benefits ignored; users’ lack market power Narrow appraisal results in funding shortage The perfect storm: congestion, delay, less appeal, higher costs, more cars… Govt needs to capture the wider economic, social and environmental benefits of buses and fund them accordingly
Next steps: filling the gaps Pressing for improved appraisal techniques A coherent, united, informed regional voice Facilitating better collaboration – between operators, modes & authorities and with users Making stations more useful: hubs, community centres, a human presence Getting action on fares Clock-face timetabling and modal connectivity New services to deliver spatial strategies Thank you!