Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS WHAT IS DOSIMETRY? Dosimetry is the science of dose measurements. Dosimetry is essentially how much radiation exposure you get from substances or machines that produce radiation 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS A BRIEF ON RADIATION Radiation is any transmission of energy through space During the transmission it can interact with matter and transfer their energy. 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS A BRIEF ON RADIATION Radiation is permanently present throughout the environment, in the air, water, food, soil and in all living organisms. Large proportion of radiation dose are received from natural environmental sources Each person in the world is exposed to an average of 2.4 mSv/yr of ionizing radiation from natural sources 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
CLASSIFICATION OF RADIATION Ionizing Radiation - Enough energy to detach electrons from atoms i.e. the process of ionization Examples x-ray, gamma rays, high energy UV Non-ionizing Radiation-Does not have enough energy to completely remove an electron from an atom. Examples- radio waves, microwaves, infrared 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
ELECTROMAGNET SPECTRUM 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
KEBS main focus SSDL (Secondary standards dosimetry laboratory) is on ionizing radiation
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS KEBS SSDL OBJECTIVE The main goal is ensure that equipments used for measurements are accurate. To ensure that exposure resulting from medical and industrial process are accurate. To ensure traceability of measurements to international standards To maintain dosimetry unit of measurements (Gray and Sievert) 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
DOSIMETRY MEASUREMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT To support industrial development and meet the above discussed objectives the laboratory has Caesium calibration system X-ray calibration system Radiotracer Lab-an upcoming project 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Cs-137 Laboratory Cs-137 emits gamma rays The half-life of cesium-137 is 30 years Gamma beam Irradiator Cs137 source 647 GBq A HOPEWELL DESIGNS Inc control unit Ionization chamber Electrometer PTW UNIDOS 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
X-Ray Calibration System: X-ray is high-energy electromagnetic wave X-ray is highly penetrating X-Ray calibration system 225 kVp – 30 mA Quality N40, N60, N80, N100, N120,N150 and N200 Ionization chamber standard, type A4 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Radiotracer measurement lab A radioactive tracer, or radioactive label, is a chemical compound in which one or more atoms have been replaced by a radioisotope by virtue of its radioactive decay it can be used to explore the mechanism of chemical reactions by tracing the path that the radioisotope follows from reactants to products 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Examples of Radiotracers Antimony-124, bromine-82, iodine-125, iridium-192, scandium-46, technetium-99, silver-110m, argon-44, xenon-133 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Radiotracer in brief In this technique, radiotracer is injected into a plant and radiation levels at specific points measured and analysis is done The aim is to To trouble shoot-to detect cracks in the plant Investigate flow patterns Determine efficiency Enhance quality 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Image of radiotracer experiment Radiotracer injected 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS CALIBRATION PROCESS: Environmental condition Pre-Irradiation Nulling Issue Certificate Analysis of results Measurements 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
ENVINROMENTAL CONDITIONS DURING CALIBRATION The temperature should be controlled to remain within 18-24 ºc The temperature changes should be within 1ºC/h Correction must be done for any fluctuation. Relative humidity should be below 80% 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
EQUIPMENT CALIBRATED : 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS RADIATION PROTECTION 1. Minimize time, Dose = dose rate x time 2. Maximize distance 3. Incorporate shielding ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable—means making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the dose limits as is practicable consistent with the purpose for which the licensed activity is undertaken, taking into account the state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to the state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to benefits to the public health and safety, and other societal and socioeconomic considerations, and in relation to utilization of nuclear energy and licensed materials in the public interest. 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS MEDICAL APPLICATION 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Mammography : diagnostic procedure to detect brest tumours. 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Computed tomography image (CT scan) . This is a CT image which has been Processed by computer so that only the bones and the muscles are shown. 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS X rays-dental imaging and other body parts 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Radiotherapy A linear accelerator generates x-rays. It rotates around the body, irradiating the tumour from all directions 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Fluoroscopy obtaining real time images of internal organs of a patient. 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Non Destructive Testing-xray It allows defects and cracks to be detected. 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Security-xray 11/12/2018
Roads – determine the depth of material 11/12/2018
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS Food irradiation Eliminates or reduce bacteria in raw meats, fruits, vegetables and other foods safe and fast, effective against microorganisms, able to penetrate the packaging and the product and to act against all microorganisms present inside Extend freshness 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Other applications of radiation include Checking the level of liquids in industries that manufacture liquids Radiotracer technique-to determine the flow rate and defects in plants 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS CONCLUSION Equipments used for radiation measurements should be calibrated to ensure Accuracy and Traceability. This will enhance safety , quality and efficiency in industries 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Any questions?? 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS
Thank you very much for your attention 11/12/2018 Presented by Grace Ateka-KEBS