Comparing. Comparing is when we look at two or more things and find things that are the same and things that are no the same. Let’s look at what is the same and what is not about a lion and a tiger.
Same Cats 4 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, a tail, sharp teeth. Eat meat
Different Color; Tiger; orange, white and black. Lion golden brown. Size; Tiger is bigger. Lion has a mane, tiger does not. Lions live with other lions, Tigers live alone. Mane
Comparing People Same Different Men Taller Black hair. Bigger 2 eyes, ears, hands feet etc. Different Taller Bigger Different Smaller, Smaller, eyes, legs, nose, hands, etc.
Comparing Food Same Different Cabbage, Red Vegetable, Flavor Plant. Green Flavor
Comparing Seasons Same Different Day Cold Night Snow Rain Trees Wind Clouds Different Cold Snow Trees Plants Different Hot Trees Flowers Insects Birds
Remember these adjectives? They can be used for comparing things.
Empty Full
High Low
Dry Wet
Far Close
Short Long
Old New
Easy Hard
Dark Light
Dirty Clean
Weak Strong
Tall Short
Slow Fast
Heavy Light
Ugly Beautiful
Boring Fun
Big Small