Brain Dump: What do you already know?
Changing Borders 1947-1967 (JOHN GREEN CRASH COURSE) Stop at 6:46 Who have we read thus far that John Green’s narrative clearly disagrees with? After hearing Green’s narrative of events, do you find yourself empathizing more with Dalia or Bashir? Why? In 1979, Gives Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt (“land for peace”)—US gave economic assistance to both countries to help facilitate deal. Israel still has the Golan Heights. It provides a third of Israel’s water. Syrian Civil War has stayed peace talks between Israel and Syria.
The Lemon Tree Read Pages 1-9. Consider both Dalia and Bashir’s perspective. Based on what you’ve learned thus far, how do you think Dalia will respond to Bashir?
The Lemon Tree Cont’d. Read Pages 94-103 and 104-122 Where did Bashir’s family live? Why didn’t Bernadette’s peace proposal succeed? Explain the “refugee experience”. Why did Palestinians reject settling Gaza? Why do you think peace ultimately failed? Considering the Eshkenazi family experience, why do you think most Jewish immigrants asked few questions? Why do you think Dalia was bother by her home being called an “Arab House” when she was a child? How dot the paragraph about Nasser on page 116 relate to Huntington? Does it make you more or less sympathetic to Huntington’s thesis? What was life like for Arab Jews in Israel? How did their treatment and increased immigration relate to international conflict?
The Lemon Tree Cont’d. Read 144-163; 164-176; 189-191. After you have finished reading, consider the interests, interactions, and institutions that shaped Dalia’s decision.
2012 Palestine Recognized as State On 29 November 2012, the General Assembly adopted resolution 67/19 entitled “Status of Palestine in the United Nations” with 138 votes in favor, 9 against and 41 abstentions. The resolution accorded to Palestine non-Member observer State status in the United Nations, marking the first time that the General Assembly considered Palestine to be a State. What might a constructivist think about this shift?
Map of West Bank Settlements Finish video, then show maps.
Map of Jerusalem (2014) Green = 1949 barrier Red = the wall Purple = Israeli settlements….so the settlements obviously go extend into the West Bank. (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs)
The Gaza Strip Source: Le Monde (French Newspaper) After this 2014, Hamas has not given in. They have continued to launch rockets into Israel (and they can’t control where these go). The borders are still closed and the people living in Gaza still rely heavily on humanitarian assistance. Why do you think Hamas is so unwilling to compromise? What unique interests to Gazan residents have that help explain why they vote for Hamas rather than Fatah? Source: Le Monde (French Newspaper)
“Two State Solution” What does this mean? Why would two states be perceived as a solution to the conflict?
Paradise Now As you watch, use the framework we have been using to make sense of the characters actions: what interests shape their motivations, what interactions, and what institutions.
Present-Day Press Conferences Each Press Conference will last 15 minutes. Conference 1: 3 Israeli leaders, 3 journalists Conference 2: 3 PLO leaders, 3 journalists Conference 3: 3 Hamas leaders, 3 journalists You should coordinate as a group to ensure the press conference will adequately teach your peers about the present-day perspectives on the conflict.
Project Develop some kind of appeal that is aimed at stopping the conflict. Consider: What step/steps you think could help bring peace. Who your audience is. How your audience might be convinced to act. A way that you could actually share your product with your audience.