Annual Return – centre submission status Source file: I:\Instruction\ 5.1_Annual Return_centre submission status_09022018
Pengumuman Pastikan anda sudah siap memasukkan semua maklumat pesakit bagi tahun taksiran 2017. Bancian (census) bagi tahun tafsiran mengikut kiraan jumlah punggutan data bagi tahun tafsiran akan ada di bahagian [Report module] selepas Mac 2018. Sijil-sijil Centre Report Card dan Certificate of Compliance akan ada selepas MDTR report tahunan.
Laporan terkini Jumlah punggutan AR Klik ini untuk memantau senarai AR yang belum genap Laporan terkini jumlah AR pusat anda
Annual Return Module Setiap pesakit yang tersinarai di [Annual Return List] perlu masukkan dan kemaskini maklumat pesakit Bagi pesakit yang ada ‘Outceme event’ maklumat yang perlu adalah sehingga kejadia 1. Pilih pusat yang anda akan buat pemantauan 2. Pilihan = No Untuk carikan rekod yang belum genap 4. Rekod yang belum genap tertera di senarai ini 3. Klik ini
[All AR sections verified? = Yes] - maklumat sudah semak dan benar Pastikan anda tandakan setiap kotak ini di “Part I – IV” untuk beri kespastian anda sudah semak dan maklumat ini betul Pastikan anda tandakan setiap kotak ini “ Please tick this box to verify the above data is correct.” di “Part I – IV” untuk beri kespastian anda sudah semak dan maklumat ini betul & benar Rekod ini sudah semak dan maklumatnya adalah betul & benar Rekod ini BELUM sempurnakan semakan
Statistic sample table Yearly Patient Census Description Patient at 1st January C/f from 31st December where patient outcome = Alive On RRT New Patient Patient registered in the year. New PTID generated New Notification Patient registered in the year. New Notif ID generated due to transfer in from another centre New RRTID generated due to change modality (HD, CAPD or Tx) Death Death occurrence in the year Lost to Follow Up Lost to Follow Up in the year Transferred out Transferred out (i.e moved or change modality) in the year. Renal transplantation Had a transplant done in the year. If re-enter dialysis due to immediate graft failure, to add NEW RRT date commence after Date Tx Graft failure* Graft failure in the year (Applicable to Tx centre only) Recover kidney function Recover kidney function in the year. (only applicable if date outcome is less than 90 days from the date commence) Balance at 31st December Patient outcome = Alive On RRT Note: The accuracy of this statistic depend on the timeliness in case reporting
Statistic sample table Yearly centre submission report Item Census Description 1 Total Patient Assessment Year Patient ever in your centre in the year (This include Alive patient and those has outcome event) 2 Total AR Submission All AR Sections Verified? = Yes 3 AR Submission Percentage =( Item 1 / Item 2) % 4 Late reporting Patient Notification Date commmence or Date at centre earlier than reporting year 5 Late reporting Outcome Notification Date Outcome event after reporting year 6 All Outcome Notification All outcome event reported in the assessment year
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