RING OF CONFUSION While on the Downwind Leg North of the airport In Right Traffic for RNY 26R Some Pilots may face the perception of running into Ontario Class Charlie Airspace. PLEASE NOTE: While on a properly positioned Downwind Leg, and while doing so following CNO Tower instructions, there is a letter of agreement (LOA) between CNO and Ontario that allows you to fly safely through the wedge of Class C airspace that pictorially appears as a “road block.” CAUTION: The Airspace Wedge “Roadblock” has caused some pilots to make flight track errors and subsequently line up with the wrong runway for landing. RING OF CONFUSION
Note From A.J. Ursic, Jr. Recently, the FAA conducted a quarterly Runway Safety Meeting here at CNO. According to the current data, unfortunately, CNO is at the top of the national list of runway incursions, once again. Fortunately, the major portion of these events have not been serious. However, it does place CNO under the FAA microscope. Two significant categories are: (a) moving beyond runway hold lines; and, (b) landing on the wrong runway. Therefore, even after receiving and correctly reading back a runway clearance, pilots are landing on the wrong surface. Due to these events, our ATC is having to spend more time observing aircraft in these positions. This takes valuable time away from other airfield and pattern activities they have. One element of the solution: We pilots can help to remove CNO from this dubious distinction. Let’s all attempt to do what we’ve all been trained to do, either yesterday or many years ago: Stay vigilant. Practice a sterile cockpit when entering CNO airspace. Don’t just ‘react’ to airport signage. Instead, be proactive and anticipate it, look for it. Stay focused during taxiing. Refrain from GPS programming, and flight planning during taxi. Listen closely. One obvious problem has been that pilots ‘hear’ what they’ve always heard in a familiar situation or position. Another simple ‘rule’ may be – when you are holding (number one) for takeoff, to always keep the entire runway hold lines in view. These simple elements can help significantly at CNO, at other airports you visit, and, more importantly, the aviation and pilot community as a whole.
Regarding wrong surface landings, we can help ATC by conducting a sterile cockpit in CNO airspace, and by focusing on communications. Take a moment to visually identify, and verify the assigned runway, especially in low sun angle and hazy days. Remember, the approaches for the 26 parallels are offset. Make sure the ‘picture’ makes sense. Whether it’s 8-26L/R, when appropriate, confirm with ATC: “Runway (as assigned) in sight.” Pilots – Let’s do our part to remove CNO from the runway incursion list. Assist ATC, stay vigilant, stay focused. Lastly, you all are invited to participate at these FAA Runway Safety meetings. Please watch for announcements of these meetings on the Chino Pilots Forum . You can also subscribe by joining There you can enlist your email address to be notified of these and other useful FAA meetings and seminars at CNO and the surrounding airports Stay safe, A.J. Ursic, Jr., CFI, FAAST Rep RAL FSDO
LINK to FAA TV: CHINO RUNWAY SAFETY VIGNETTE Chino Airport in Southern California is a general aviation facility with a diverse mix of traffic and pilot experience. This video details some of the surface safety risks at CNO including runway incursion hotspots, wrong runway operations and flight training operations. By increasing awareness of the challenges pilots face, we can reduce the likelihood of runway incursions and keep the NAS the safest aviation system in the world. FAA TV: CHINO RUNWAY SAFETY VIDEO (Not For Navigational Use) For More Runway Safety Animations and Videos You are invited to visit the FAA.GOV using this link: KCNO Airport